Countdown to Pouzza Fest 2019 – Interview with BOIDS

Montreal’s Pouzza Fest takes place from May 17-19 featuring some of the greatest punk music that’s out there! We’re happy that we’ve had the chance to count down to this festival with you. We started our countdown with The Planet SmashersAnswersHVALSubbGutter DemonsSeth AndersonDanny Rebel and the KGBThe CorpsCopper CrownAudio VisceralUnited SnakesPale LipsThe Readys, Anti-Queens, and Old Wives. Now, we’re chatting with BOIDS who play on May 18 at Foufs Garage. See the full schedule here.

First off, care to introduce yourself to the Canadian Beats readers?

This is Mike the Canadian beatmaker from BOIDS.

Pouzza Fest is an early festival, taking place in May, how do you prepare for festival season?

We prepare by going down to our boiler room rehearsal space in Montreal, turning up the bass, turning up the guitars, and then we bring the ruckus.

Have you taken part in Pouzza Fest before? If so, what is your favourite memory?

I think this will be our 5th or 6th Pouzza, but I can’t remember for certain.

Favourite memory? Oh boy, where to begin? The Stomp Records office firecracker incident? Our bassist Andy singing in the rain in his blue underwear? Vomiting in a duffel bag? Taking too many edibles pre set? Crying by myself while eating pouzza and ice cream? They are all great I can’t pick one.

The line-up at Pouzza Fest this year is stellar, who are you most excited to check out?

I’m most excited to see, hold on let me get the poster, there is a band way down there at the bottom, I can’t really read it, it’s so tiny, but I’d like to see them !…but seriously that’s the fun of Pouzza discovering new stuff, new bands, new energies, also PEARS are great and we are looking forward to meeting the other two thirds of our Austrian love children DEE CRACKS..

Pouzza Fest’s name comes from the mashup of poutine and pizza, so I feel the need to know, which do you prefer?

Some people might be disappointed or even surprised but for me, it’s a no brainer, PIZZA! pizza has been there my whole life, it has always been by my side, I would take a bullet for pizza, and then I can even use the pizza to clean up the wound, you can’t do that with poutine, you just can’t.

Are you performing at any other festivals this summer that you’d like to tell us about?

We may play a few festivals this summer, but our main focus has been on our music and our new album which will be released on stomp records at some point in the fall, we are really excited to share this music with y’all, so keep your ears open.

What five words would you use to describe your live show?


If you were asked to give advice to an up and coming artist, what would that advice be?

Advice? Quit now!….just kidding, my advice, get inside that music, baby.

What’s up next for you?

As I mentioned earlier our new album QUEL DRAG, will be out this fall, we have some videos in the works, and then we wanna play for you, play, play, play for you, the people of planet earth, and beyond. BISOUS. BOIDS.

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