Countdown to Pouzza Fest 2019 – Interview with Anti-Queens

Montreal’s Pouzza Fest takes place from May 17-19 featuring some of the greatest punk music that’s out there! We’re happy that we’ve had the chance to count down to this festival with you. We started our countdown with The Planet SmashersAnswersHVALSubbGutter DemonsSeth AndersonDanny Rebel and the KGBThe CorpsCopper CrownAudio VisceralUnited Snakes, Pale Lips, and The Readys. Now, we’re chatting with Anti-Queens who play on May 18 at Beer Garden. See the full schedule here.

First off, care to introduce yourself to the Canadian Beats readers!

We are Emily, Valerie, Dallas, and Taylor, also known as the Anti-Queens!

Pouzza Fest is an early festival, taking place in May, how do you prepare for festival season?

We’re doing an east coast US run to tighten up our stage show so we’re ready to rock the main stage this year, and also so we get used to the smell of the van.

Have you taken part in Pouzza Fest before? If so, what is your favourite memory?

We have played here once before! I think it would be just hanging out with everyone. Pouzza has such a family vibe. It’s great to be back.

The line-up at Pouzza Fest this year is stellar, who are you most excited to check out?

Against Me! for sure! Strung Out! Bad Cop/Bad Cop! The Readys! Can’t wait to finally see Gallows Bound from Virginia as well and well, Planet Smashers, duh.

Pouzza Fest’s name comes from the mashup of poutine and pizza, so I feel the need to know, which do you prefer?

Poutine! Sweet, delicious, lovely poutine.

Are you performing at any other festivals this summer that you’d like to tell us about?

We are! We’ll be at Montebello Rock, Montreal  ’77, le Déluge, Riverfest in Elora. Big summer!

What five words would you use to describe your live show?

Rock, Fun, Loud, Fast, and Beers?

If you were asked to give advice to an up and coming artist, what would that advice be?

Put the work in! It’s not just going to come to you if you’re sitting at home. Go get it!

What’s up next for you?

We’re excited to release our label debut on Stomp Records produced by Steve Rizun. We put a lot of work into it and we think people are going to love it. The single off the album should be out in mid-July, along with a brand new video, and the album itself should be out in September or so. We’ll be touring a lot in Canada and Europe to support the release. You’re going to be seeing a lot of us 🙂

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