Welcome back to the best new music around! This is Music Mondays and Zach’s Picks of the Week, highlighting some of my favourite articles from this last week on our website. These are just my personal recommendations so you don’t have to listen to me. But there is still plenty more across our website that you can explore. Your new and favourite artists are posted all the time. So be sure to stay in the loop and check out these recommendations coming up. The link to each of these articles can be found in this post that you’re reading right now. But do me a favor, please be sure to share your favourite song from this week’s list with your friends today. That’s all I ask and enjoy this week’s edition of Zach’s Picks Of The Week!!

Kicking things off, it’s Ontario-based artist Meko Brain (Formerly known as Zeus) brings his indie music styles to Zach’s Picks. Since 2009 he has produced an encyclopedic style of pop/rock music, that’s amassed much-loved across many albums. But he’s unveiled his first single, “Anyone Else’s Eyes”, across all streaming services. It’s a fitting introduction for an artist whose own multifacetedness, places him among the history’s true titans of song. Be sure to check out the video for the brand new song from the very talented Meko Brain, here.

Moving onto another new indie-pop single for you to enjoy that’s coming off our list. Introducing “Don’t Give Me Anything” from Calgary’s The Muster Point Project (TMPP), which is available now across all streaming platforms. It’s a song about owning up to the pitfalls of ambition, driving us through the sounds of different eras. Taking from 1960s rock to the best of ’80s and mid-aughts indie pop. The band’s creation is thanks to singer-songwriter Kevin Franco. Learn more here.

Next up will be Jackson Reed and The Silverbirds, who have released their latest endeavor, the single “Little Red Corvette” is available now across all streaming sites. It follows after the success of their 2023 hit “In My Head,” which garnered them quite a bit of exposure. However, this new single is a homage to the timeless classic from the Prince songbook. Bringing their own rendition to life, accompanied by a brand new video as well. you’re gonna enjoy the latest from Jackson Reed and The Silverbirds within the pages of our article that is linked, right here.

Taking my second top spot of the week for the best new music will be, St. John’s, Newfoundland alt-pop band With Violet. They are expanding on their eclectic sound, with new levels on the latest album, “Saturday Nights in Your Sunday Best”. It’s available now across all your favourite streaming platforms and the brand new single, “That Boy” is featured on our website. The album itself is both of their previous EPs combined together, including a few new singles, but showcases their work over the last four years. Be sure to go check it out linked down below to the article where you can hear the brand new single, “That Boy” here.
BONUS: Canadian Beats Passport

This is where we like to squeeze in our bonus recommendations that are from all around the world. It’s an article that was featured within our Canadian Beats passport, but this week will be bringing us to Nashville, Tennessee. Singer-songwriter Cassidy Dickens explores the feeling of time moving faster and passing us by. Her latest single “Timelines“ is available to be heard everywhere on your favourite streaming platforms. This is going to be one of her leading singles off of her upcoming album, All I’m Missing which is going to be released this summer. Learn more here.

You have now reached my number one recommendation of the week for Zach‘s Picks of the Week. It’s now time to introduce JUNO Award-nominated, alternative artist Ruby Waters and her debut full-length album, What’s The Point. Available now across all of your favourite streaming platforms thanks to Wet Records. During the writing process a year and a half ago, Waters rented out a cabin near, Sea-to-Sky Highway in British Columbia. She built a studio in it with some pals and poured herself into the writing process. She collected many songs that give listeners a ride in the passenger seat of her life., connecting on a deeper level. You can have a listen to the brand new album within our article featured for Ruby Waters, here.
Those are gonna be my recommendations from our website, so I hope you enjoyed them. Be sure to go explore the rest of our website for even more awesome content. New stuff is getting posted on all of our social platforms all the time, so be sure to stay in the loop. However, that is going to conclude my choices for articles this week. Please be sure to share them with your friends, and family, and be sure to tune in next Monday. Because you know there is going to be some new exciting music coming out in our next list. But unless we meet in the next one, be sure to spread that Love and Positivity in our world. I’m Zach Coopz your host, PEACE, LOVE, AND GOOD MUSIC EVERYONE!!