Countdown to Pouzza Fest 2019 – Interview with Danny Rebel and the KGB

Montreal’s Pouzza Fest takes place from May 17-19 featuring some of the greatest punk music that’s out there! We’re happy that we’ve had the chance to count down to this festival with you. We started our countdown with Montreal’s own The Planet SmashersAnswersHVALSubb, Gutter Demons, and then Seth Anderson. Now, we’re chatting with Danny Rebel and the KGB, who play on May 19 at Beer Garden (outdoor site). See the full schedule here.

First off, care to introduce yourself to the Canadian Beats readers?

We are Danny rebel and the KGB, we are a group of friends with different upbringings and despite our differences, we got together and create music that comes from the heart and soul to make people dance.

Have you taken part in Pouzza Fest before? If so, what is your favourite memory?

It’s our 2nd time playing Pouzza. There’s plenty of great Pouzza memories. It’s just a great family reunion with all the bands we played with through the years. My Favorite memory was definitely playing with my daughter at Pouzza Bambino, it was a proud daddy moment that will be tattooed in my brain forever. My daughter and I are doing Bambino again this year, we have some new songs she wrote herself so come check us out!

The line-up at Pouzza Fest this year is stellar, who are you most excited to check out?

I’m really excited to see Andrew WK and Against Me!

Pouzza Fest’s name comes from the mashup of poutine and pizza, so I feel the need to know, which do you prefer?

I definitely prefer Pizza

Are you performing at any other festivals this summer that you’d like to tell us about?

This summer we’ll be playing at a festival in Victoria BC called Victoria Ska and Reggae Festival on the 22nd of June. Really stoked for that one!

What five words would you use to describe your live show?

Attitude, Love, Explosion, Dynamic, Hypnotic

If you were asked to give advice to an up and coming artist, what would that advice be?

My advice to up and coming bands is to be persistent with your music, to take criticism or any obstacle as inspiration into making your music better. Also always from the heart!

Connect with Danny Rebel and the KGB: