Interview – Dani Strong

Country music fans have a lot to be excited about with the release of Dani Strong’s new album Undefined. She’s a rising star within the Canadian country music community and with her powerful vocals and her stellar songwriting ability; she is going to the top. Strong has been making waves as a singer and a songwriter for a while now with the release of her debut album Time to Breathe (this has earned multiple awards and nominations, including two awards at the international Independent Music Awards in 2018) and a string of great singles that include “Not Right Now,” “Wild Summer” and the album’s latest single, “Mrs. Jones (Evelyn).”

Undefined was produced by JUNO Award-winning and 2020 Grammy nominee, Dan Brodbeck (The Cranberries, Texas King), and this album sees Strong “unafraid to wander across genre lines, blending pop hooks with authentic lyrics while remaining firmly rooted in familiar country sounds.” Strong is living up to her name with Undefined because it offers messages of strength, hope, and empowerment.

Undefined is now available physically and on all streaming platforms.

We, at Canadian Beats, would like to congratulate Dani Strong on all her recent successes and the release of Undefined.

Now, on to the interview I had with Dani Strong, via email. This was a great opportunity for me, through Canadian Beats, to chat with Strong about her album, this time in her life and more. Check out our questions and her answers. You will enjoy what you read.

About the new album …

Do you have any habits or rituals when it comes time to writing or recording? Do you have to have a notebook or device, or coffee or lemon water or anything like that? Take us into your process a little bit!

Nope. Not really, my songs really kinda surprise me sometimes, and when they hit I gotta get to a pen and paper (or iPhone voice memo) real quick. I will say that I tend to get most of my ideas while on long drives. I love driving.

Undefined is a full-length album, with 13 tracks. What made you decide to produce and release a full-length album when most artists are releasing EPs, with six or seven tracks?

Ohhhh … great question!
I’m a stubborn asshole that refuses to give in to the “singles world.”
Actually … although it’s true that I’m stubborn, honestly, I just really wanted this collection of songs to exist as one entity. I realize that I’m taking a HUGE risk and essentially shooting myself in the foot because we all know that the playlist adds generally only falls to one song, but I just didn’t want to make any decisions that made this record better for “the industry” versus better for my long-time supporters. I have SUPER loyal fans that have been on this ride with me for a long time and they deserve a good SOLID 13 songs with NO FILLER! Heck ya!

Can you tell us a little more about your album, how it came to be?

Undefined is a collection of 13 individual songs that each has their own backstory and purpose on my journey. My producer, Dan Brodbeck, and I decided that this record we were going to produce each song for the song … not produce songs to fit on a record. The title Undefined was my way of expressing that I didn’t necessarily want to have to pick any one particular genre, although storytelling finds its way throughout the whole record, and that’s why country music is my fave.

What did you discover about yourself during this creative process?

There is absolutely a way to exist in this industry and stay 100% true to you and not stress about getting signed, or going to Nashville, or winning awards. Mindset is SO KEY …, especially for musicians. We tend to find ourselves in the “jaded” zone a little too often. I have discovered that music defines me and I darn well am NOT going to stop writing songs and making music, so I had to figure out how to do it and stay inspired and keep my cup filled with joy (and whatever else it takes to find joy).

I’m in a VERY good place with music right now and I am so very happy to have arrived here.

Describe the vibe of the music or the sound that you were aiming for.

Ohhhh, man. The whole mission was to have a record with many … many different vibes and sounds. I believe we succeeded.

What was it like for you to be working with JUNO Award-winning producer/engineer Dan Brodbeck again? He also produced your 2016 debut album Time To Breathe so it must have felt a bit like being enveloped in a cocoon of familiarity and comfort, especially during these trying times.

He won an award? Dan is the best. We’ve been creating music that we LOVE for the past 14 years together. We get each other and it’s VERY EASY to work together. In fact, Grant (my husband/drummer) and I both have always said that we never took a honeymoon and we have never gone on a trip together … because we have way more fun booking studio time with Dan and the band. BEST “vacay” ever. One thing Dan has said a few times and I agree, is that “we are just making music that we LOVE.” That’s easy.

Not only is Dan a JUNO Award-winning (and Grammy-nominated as of THIS YEAR) producer, he is also just really, really funny and nice. I have always only ever worked with people that are good for “the locker room.”

What obstacles or challenges did you face in the making of Undefined?

Cue ABBA “money money money!!!!” It’s always money, which doesn’t really bother me; it just takes longer to do things. Like 3+ years to make my second record! But man oh man … I had some insanely generous friends and supporters help us out HUGE on the Kickstarter campaign! (THANK YOU!) So grateful for my supporters. It’s insane.

Do you have any fun stories to tell us about in the making of Undefined?

I have a million stories. I’m full of stories. But most of them are top secret and the other ones come out in my songs. So, you’ll just have to listen to the record.

One cool story about making this record is that when I went in to record my song “Mrs. Jones” … I ended up rewriting and recording a new, completely different version of the song and kept both of them on the record. They are now known as “Mrs. Jones (Becky)” and “Mrs. Jones (Evelyn).”

Can you tell us some of the background stories that brought some of your songs to life?

All my songs truly have very diverse origins. Sometimes (more than once) I have written a song by pretending I was a character in a book I was reading. My song “Gold Fever” is one of those songs on this record. Often, I am just insanely inspired by the people I keep company with. I’m honoured to work for Top of The World Ranch Treatment Centre (for addiction) and working with the clients there has absolutely changed my life in so many ways. I’m constantly inspired by their strength, courage, determination, and humility.
And obviously, the love of my life, Grant, gets his fair share of songs.

Is there any one song on Undefined that you feel your fans can relate to the most?

I’m honestly hoping different people relate to different songs on the record. My goal as a writer is to give the listener something they can relate to or lean on and I believe there is a lot of potential for that in this album for my listeners.

Were you able to record any of this album in a studio, or did it have to be done remotely?

I finished this record at Noble Street Studios in Toronto on February 16, 2020. Little did we know just how lucky we were to get it done less than a month before the world shut down.

Do you have a favourite song … one that means the most to you?

As the sole songwriter … these 13 songs are my babies. They really are a piece of me. I love them all for different reasons and my “favourite” rotates as I get sick of them.

Music is very powerful, filling people with energy, enthusiasm, hope, and in turn giving us all a feeling of togetherness, especially during these very trying times. Has this album empowered you as a female country music artist?

Ohhhhhh … yes. In a BIG, BIG way. But I will let my song “She Sings” answer that question! That song is everything I had ever hoped it would be. I LOVE it so much.

With 2020 being as it is, how difficult will it be for you to not be able to tour and promote your album? And, how big of a decision was it to release Undefined knowing that you can’t go on a tour?

It’s awful. There’s no candy-coating it. It was a ridiculously hard decision to decide to release a record that took SO long to make when I can’t back it up with a tour. I love to tour. I am a touring artist that is not scared to get on the road. In fact, I had a national tour booked that was supposed to start March 23, 2020, and another one booked for the summer … they were obviously both canceled. Ya. It sucks. I don’t really know what to do but to keep finding new ways to get the word out, but to also share the intimate stories behind the songs that I normally do at my solo live shows.

Now that Undefined is released, what does the future hold for you in regard to getting the world to hear and catch hold of and love what your music is all about?

Just keeping on keeping on. I will get on the road as soon as it is safe and feasible to do so. Until then, it’s a social media and live stream existence which I don’t mind for now.

Let’s get into some of your singles, some off of Undefined, because they are bringing you a lot of recognition right now.

Your fans received a taste of your music earlier in the summer with the release of your single “Wild Summer.” It’s racked up over 600K streams on Apple Music. Then, Undefined’s first track, “Not Right Now,” was featured in the Amazon Prime TV movie Hometown Holiday as well as being nominated for two awards at the International Independent Music Awards held in New York City in June of 2019. Finally, your album’s latest single, “Mrs. Jones (Evelyn),” won the title of Best Country Song at the 2020 Independent Music Awards. 

What was that like for you to hear about each of these huge successes for each of these singles?

Surreal. Surreal for real! “Wild Summer” blew my mind with all the streams. I have never had success like that on a song before. But, that is also the most “pop” song I have ever written and Dan nailed the production on it. I had hoped it would do well and was so, so happy it did!
Winning the award for “Mrs. Jones (Evelyn)” truly shocked me! I did not expect it at all! Especially because it was up against one of my favourite songs of the year “Drunk Mind, Sober Heart” by Mallory Johnston. In the end, I just think it was super cool there were two Canadians in that category as the Independent Music Awards are an international award.

How did you react to the news?

As I always do. Big smiles. Thankful prayers and just genuine contentment.

How did you celebrate each success?

Went camping. That’s how I celebrated everything in 2020.

Everyone knows of the loss of revenue, the loss of interaction with one’s fans, and all the challenging times artists have faced during this pandemic. Let’s get into this a bit. COVID has drastically reshaped how artists’ livelihood has changed.

How has Covid-19 affected what you were doing with your music?

Well … it pretty much took a big wet dump on playing live, pulled the rug out from under me on the tour promotion of my new record, and forced us all to put up with crappy digital concert audio sound. COVID can go fall off a huge cliff.

How has it been for you not to be able to have that personal interaction with your fans?

I still do have personal interaction through my “bathroom sessions” and I’m pretty interactive on my social media. I definitely still feel just as connected that way.

What do the next six months look like for you, with no concerts, even no radio tours, to promote your new music?

I’m booking a tour for next fall (just praying it actually happens) as it’s a lot of work and that’s what I will be up to along with promoting my fave Canadian artists through my company, Taylor Entertainment.

Music festival season this year, or lack of it to be more accurate. What is the one thing you miss about performing at the country music festivals?

Everything. I miss EVERYTHING about playing live.

Rising to the challenge of this pandemic, what is one message you would give to your fans?

To acknowledge the growth of our community that came as a result of the pandemic. It’s almost beautiful really.

You have amazing fans and some new fans. Let’s chat about some random things that will make your fans get to know you better and fun for you to answer.

What artists have the most influence over you?

For my lifetime: Tom Petty and Sheryl Crow

In the past ten years: Miranda Lambert and Dua Lipa (weird combo I know)

What have you learned about your career and fans now that you’ve been at this for a while?

That loyalty is important! Take care of those who take care of you.

What do you think your “biggest break” or your “greatest opportunity” has been so far in your music career?

When that girl stole my song and entered it into a TV Talent Show in the USA. That started everything for me.

If you could choose just one artist to collaborate with, one who you haven’t worked with, who would that be?

Martin Sexton, Stevie Wonder, Sheryl Crow, Miranda Lambert (can’t pick just one sorry)

What is your favourite song to perform?

Off the new record? Probably “She Sings” and “Healing.”

And last but not least, if you can have one thing that your fans could remember about you, what would it be?

Just that I made good music. Music that made you feel something.

We, at, thank you Dani so much for taking the time for this interview and helping your fans get to know you a little more. We wish you much success with your album, Undefined, and continued success with all the great stuff that is coming your way.

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