Frank Dux
Photo Credit: Dave Levitt Photography

Frank Dux – Five Questions With

Frank Dux shares new single, “Zack Verkerke Your Beer Stinks” via Pink Lemonade Records

The four members of Frank Dux first met almost 25 years ago playing parallel to one another in their formative punk rock bands. Fast forward a decade and change and they would find themselves reunited once more by the same thing that brought them together in the first place: fast, melodic punk rock. With their EPs Parts Unknown in 2017, 2020’s Concessions, and 2024’s upcoming new album Product of Our Youth they have continued to embrace their roots in skate punk, pop punk, melodic hardcore, and genres in between. 

The band has unveiled their single, “Zack Verkerke Your Beer Stinks,” from the upcoming album, Product of Our Youth.

Joel of Frank Dux shares,

” It’s no secret that the world can be a bummer, and with that comes a slew of bad actors looking to sway you with their influence. More often than not, they are feeding you nothing but lip service for their own gain. Lean on your friends and those who truly care about you. “

First off care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey! We are Frank Dux! I’m Joel and I play guitar and sing, then we have Scott on guitar and vocals, Shawn on bass and backup vocals and Kyle on drums.

Tell us a bit about your recent release.

Well, this release has been a long time coming. Our last release was a split with our friends in Block Parent and it came out in May 2020… I guess there was some other stuff going on then, so we didn’t get much of a chance to give it a real welcome to the world. Some of these songs were being worked on then, and some are a little more fresh. We finally settled down to record with our friend Pat (from the bands Curbside and Handheld) near the end of 2023 and we’re really happy with how it has come out. I think this is our best material to date, and Pat was able to help us make it even better with production ideas.

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

For this album, most of the songs were demoed at home by me. The genesis of these songs was a mix. Some were riffs other members were tossing around that were built upon, some were old acoustic songs I had and some were just “in the moment” creations. The demos really serve to create a structure for the song, so we are on the same page at jam. Then we can each add our own ideas to it and workshop what works and doesn’t. Most importantly, Kyle is able to change my extremely boring programmed drums to something someone would actually enjoy hearing!

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

We just got back a copy of a video for our recent single “Zack Verkerke your beer stinks!” which was put together by Erik O’Neill and we are super excited with how it came out. This album is called A Product of Our Youth and we can safely say this video fits the theme. Other than that, we have a release show we will be announcing in the near future (stay tuned – it’s gonna be free!), we are playing Skate or Dive Fest in Hamilton on Sept 22 with The video Dead, Death by Stereo and then we have a few days planned with Colorsfade and Down Memory Lane from Quebec in October.

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

I can only speak for myself, but I know we are all very fond of this particular event in our own way – Punk Rock Meeting in 2018. It was a fantastic festival put together by Vince Fournier and Max Brochu at L’Anti in Quebec City. We were blown away by the response and the turnout, and it was just an honour to be included in such a great event with fantastic bands from the top of the bill to the bottom.

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

Losing Streak from Hamilton Ontario. We had the chance to play with them a few months back and they are just great. The band is made up of 14-year-old Brixton (guitar) and his dad Rob (drums), along with Rob’s friends and former bandmates Charlie and Raff. We have played a lot of shows with people pushing 40 (no shade… we are them) and it was just so cool to see someone from a new generation absolutely shred. Check them out!

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