On the heels of a 2023 East Coast Music Award nomination for Rising Star of the Year, Marian unveils new single, “I’ve Been Thinkin'”
Fredericton’s Marian has unveiled the captivating video for the single “I’ve Been Thinkin’” from their album, Hit Record.
“The song is set in mundane and quiet moments that allow you space to stare at the pile of your life,” said Marian singer/songwriter Dylan Ward (he/him). “You take stock and feel heavy. The music is a rhythmic and driving ode to Petty, best listened while wandering at night, escaping.”
“Then I would find everything that’s on my mind has gone slow,” Ward sings on the inward facing song. “Talk to my friends in a more sentimental way / I could be far gone, I could be sane.”
Shot by director Ariana Marquis, the video for “I’ve Been Thinkin’” relays the story of the song by juxtaposing a slow-motion shot of Ward in front of a soundboard, mixing, while the background has a fast-forward montage of the band setting up, performing, and their antics.
“I wanted the video to demonstrate how sometimes you physically are moving at one speed, but mentally are moving at another, and drew inspiration from Spoons ‘Small Stakes’ and Coldplay’s ‘Yellow’ music videos,” Ward said. “Ariana and her team made that concept into reality, with an ode to classic Much Music styling.”
With a mellow beat, “I’ve Been Thinkin'” is simple yet captivating. The lyrics are sentimental and reflective, encouraging the listener to look inside themselves.
The lyrics of the chorus, “Then I would find everything that’s on my mind has gone slow,” repeated several times near the end of the track, is particularly memorable.
Throughout the song, the vocals caught my attention. Although relaxed, the vocals evoke a melancholic tone that wonderfully complements the soft, atmospheric music.
Overall, “I’ve Been Thinkin'” will likely resonate with listeners from various genres thanks to the introspective lyrics and well-rounded sound.