Interview – NOA

NOA describes herself as “writing & singing pop songs 4 the soul” and that couldn’t be more true. Having recently been signed to the Strut Entertainment group, this Toronto artist is fresh off releasing her latest single “Motions”; a song that not only captures the senses with its magical melody but a message that anyone who’s ever been through a break-up can relate to and even lean-on.

First off, congratulations on your time spent on The Launch! Who was your favourite person to work with on the show?

Thank you so much! The whole experience overall was incredible so it’s hard to pick just one. Ryan Tedder, of course. He’s such a legend and really took the time to share his thoughts with us. Scott Borchetta is awesome and also very supportive. The band on the show was incredible – so grateful I got to meet them and work together!

Toronto-born, Boston-schooled at the Berklee School of Music and now LA-based; which city would you say has changed you the most?  

I think all those cities have played pivotal roles in shaping me into who I am today. Boston was the first time I was living on my own in a new city, so that gave me a lot of independence. LA was incredible and really gave me a taste of what it’s like to live in the center of the music industry full time.

Your new single, “Motions”, along with singles of the past have such a beautiful, “dreamy” vibe to them. Are there any artists that inspired this sound in you?

Thank you!! I love that that vibe comes across. I listen to a lot of Tom Misch, Daniel Caesar, and Emily King so perhaps hints of that new jazz, soulful, R&B has found its way into my writing.

Seeing photos of your live performances, two words that come to mind instantly are “pure joy”; you can tell you really love it! What are your top 3 favourite part of performing live?

  1. Connecting with the audience
  2. Being able to share my songs and my voice with others
  3. Meeting you guys and hearing about which songs you connected with, related to and why.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

I’ve been working on lots of new music… so stay tuned for more releases, perhaps a tour and definitely lots of live shows!

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