Alberta-based gypsy-blues band, Blue Moon Marquee consists of A.W. Cardinal and Jasmine ‘Badlands Jazz” Colette. The two have teamed up with us to unveil the video for their brand new single, “As I Lay Dying”.
Check out the video below and find out more about the band via our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
We call our project Blue Moon Marquee.
We play mainly as a duo – A.W. Cardinal on guitar and vocals, Jasmine ‘Badlands Jazz” Colette on Upright bass, Drums, and vocals. Although we have guest players join us from time to time. Sax, piano… etc.
Tell us a bit about your music and writing style.
Our music is influenced by anything that jumps, swings, grooves. We love Charlie Patton, Lonnie Johnson, Danzig, Sister Rosetta, Screamin Jay, Django, and long walks in the woods. We write of cities, characters we have met along the way on the road, the weather, our family histories, legend and lore tied in with the modern situation.
Do you have any upcoming shows? For someone who has yet to see you live, how would you explain your live performance?
We play full time and have many upcoming shows. Our live performance is quite unique as Al will blow your hair back with his howl, and delight the senses with his jazz-tinged blues guitar. Badlands Jazz plays the upright bass and custom foot kit at the same time while singing. She is quite possibly the only person in the world to do it, and do it with sass and prowess. Blue Moon Marquee’s passionate performances and on-stage chemistry is a trademark.
If you were asked to suggest only one of your songs for someone to hear, which would it be?
Try one for size off the new record “Big Black Mamba”.
Canadian Beats is all about Canadian music, so who are your current favourite Canadian bands/ artists?
Petunia and the Vipers, Badluck Woman and her Misfortunes, Kacy and Clayton, Ryan McNally, Harpdog Brown.