Toronto’s rising pop songstress, Amy Han a.k.a. whereisluna has teamed up with us at Canadian Beats to unveil her new single, “cheaper”, a catchy romp that deals with mental health, physical vices, and driving full-throttle into red flags.
Beginning with a jumpy acoustic intro that morphs into a lively trance pop-rock ode, “cheaper” is relatable for anyone who has looked for temporary solutions to deal with their periods of mental strain. In this case, whereisluna, decides to distract herself with a person.
The chorus has the line “but sleeping in your bed’s cheaper than a therapist,” and it perfectly summarizes the idea of the song—clinging to the misleading, but victorious moments that make you feel good instead of getting lost in a mountain of self-doubt and therapy. It’s also ridiculously catchy and will stay in your head hours after your first listen.
Unlike many pop songs about mental health, the song is not self-deprecating. On the contrary, whereisluna knows exactly what she is doing in the moment and even sings of the “red lights” flashing in her mind, but she decides it’s the best move for now.
“This song talks about mental health, sex, and zero fucks left to give. It’s being fully aware that you’re not in great shape, mentally,” she says. “It’s having a good time and choosing the temporary solutions because therapy is expensive as fuck and I’m at least going to be satisfied and sad than horny and sad.”
Check out “cheaper” below, and stay up to date with whereisluna via her socials.