Norine Braun releases video for “Crosses & Sweetgrass”

Vancouver, BC-based award-winning singer-songwriter, Norine Braun is back with a brand new video release for her single, “Crosses & Sweetgrass” from her latest album, Through Train Windows.

Norine shares,

Crosses and Sweet Grass journeys through both the introspective personal and collective colonial past revealing the insight of discovery and subsequent freedom using symbolic imagery matching the lyrical content using a dreamlike and ethereal approach.

The Canadian government and Canada’s churches built the residential school system. Residential schools operated in Canada for more than 160 years, with upwards of 150,000 First Nation, Métis and Inuit children entering these institutions. The children removed from their families and communities into these schools were forced to abandon their traditions, culture, and languages.

In 2005 the Government of Canada finally recognized the impact residential school had on Indigenous people in Canada.  “The Government of Canada acknowledges the role it played in the development and administration of these schools. Particularly to those individuals who experienced the tragedy of sexual and physical abuse at residential schools, and who have carried this burden believing that in some way they must be responsible, we wish to emphasize that what you experienced was not your fault and should never have happened. To those of you who suffered this tragedy at residential schools, we are deeply sorry.”

This song and video is inspired and dedicated to the survivors of Indian Residential Schools and in memory of those who perished.”

Check out the video below and stay up to date with Norine via her socials.

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