Welcome back once again to the list that brings you the best in new music. Well, it’s the website that posts all of the best new music, and then I unpack and put it into a list. Complicated stuff I know, but stick around cause you’re gonna find something good. However, if you don’t enjoy any of these recommendations, then I’m sure you’ll enjoy something on our website. I only pick six of the articles from this last week. But there is plenty more interviews and concert coverage for you to soak up. Oh, did I mention the name of this list? Guess not, welcome to Zach’s Picks Of The Week, which is only posted right here on Canadian Beats Media. Time to get into the best new music on the Internet, chosen by me!

Beginning this week’s amazing list will be Prince Edward Island-based folk artist, Shane Pendergast. He comes from a long lineage of storytellers and musicians, but now he joins us with a new Musical offering. His latest single, “Only Drifting By” it’s available now and I was inspired by the view from Shane’s house. Nestled next to a river, he looks out his window and sees an ever-changing landscape which lent inspiration to the new song. Significant people in one’s life become strangers, and the complex feelings surrounding that. Go listen to Shane Pendergast’s new single “Only Drifting By” on all streaming platforms or through the link here.

Taking the next spot on our list is the latest single “Shut Up” by Toronto-based alternative pop recording artist, Arianna Tsar. It’s a feisty anthem of empowerment for young people everywhere, encouraging them to stand up for themselves and express their feelings unapologetically. Available across all streaming platforms that play music, with its sharp lyrics and an infectious retro beat. it is sure to get stuck in your head for this next week coming up. So go check out our article which features the official video and our review here.

Coming up after that amazing recommendation is going to be. Toronto is very own, Danceland. Their new single “Steve Earle” chronicles a night out on the town in Nashville, find it now and all your favourite streaming sites. “He was in town, and his label guy needed a couple joints,” Danceland singer-songwriter Joe Ferland explains in the article. With the record finished and already garnering raves, be sure to see you’re coming out in the near future. But for now, check out our article which is linked here.

Now it’s time to introduce you to Ontario’s very own, Anna Goldsmith. Her latest single tells listeners not to beat themselves up over mistaking someone’s feelings towards them as love. On her invigorating new single, “Brain Boyfriend,” Goldsmith reflects on an ideal pairing that turned out to be a mirage. You can find it now across all streaming platforms playing music. We have an interview with Anna Goldsmith who is in our article that is linked here.
BONUS: Canadian Beats Passport

For this week’s installment from Canadian Beats Passport, I’ll be highlighting the styles of Miami, Florida-based vocalist Kēvens. Threading together, the genres of reggae and EDM on his latest singles, “Sweet Lady Liberty” and “This Is LOVE.” Both of which are available across all music streaming platforms. Both songs speak to the universality of equality, peace, harmony, justice, and love. You can see the video for “Sweet Lady Liberty” and you can hear the other single “This Is Love” right through the link here.

Now for my final recommendation on this list of the best new music around. This will bring us to Calgary-based group, Sleepkit and the release of their latest single “Camp Emotion”. It’s coming off of their sophomore album of the very same name, it’s a nuanced and emotionally unarmoured refinement of their singular brand of experimental pop that highlights the band’s unique art-pop vision and is sure to be a late-night headphone favorite. You can check out my number one recommendation, Sleepkit with their latest album, in the article we have here.
That is gonna be every single one of the incredible recommendations I picked for you. Please be sure to spread them around your friends and family just like the cold, I got from someone’s kid on Halloween! There is always so much more to explore just on our website. So take a look for yourself on all of our social media platforms, because that’s where we post first. But thank you so much for stopping by and taking a look at this week’s list. Spread the love and positivity in our world that’s coming up right now. we will see you all next week with a brand new list of music. PEACE, LOVE AND GOOD MUSIC EVERYONE!!