Harley Olivia
Photo Credit: Kirsten Sonntag

Countdown to Gussapolooza – Interview with Harley Olivia

Catch Harley Olivia at Gussapolooza on Sept 14! 🎸 This neurodivergent, Toronto-based alt-rock artist blends rock and pop with powerhouse vocals and a modern edge. Winner of the Jack Daniel’s Supporting Act Competition, she’s opened for acts like SUMO CYCO and Softcult. For fans of Paramore and MONOWHALES, Harley’s infectious sound will get everyone moving!

Harley will be playing the Main Stage on September 14, don’t miss it!

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey! I’m Harley Olivia, I’m a neurospicy alt-rock artist from Toronto. I write songs for anyone feeling low and in need of a dopamine boost. My favourite things include cats, thriller movies, and vintage shopping for crazy stage clothes.

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

This summer, I released an acoustic version of my song “Haunted” which is available everywhere you listen to music. AND, I’m really excited because I have a new single called “You’re Not Ready” coming out on the first day of Gussapolooza – Friday September 13th!

How would you describe your musical style to someone who has never heard your music before?

I make an energetic mix of pop and rock music. I love writing catchy songs that I can dance and jump around to on stage! However, I started out in metal bands so even though I’m writing melodic pop rock songs, it’s still always going to have that hard rock edge. Think Lady Gaga meets My Chemical Romance.

What does performing at a festival like Gussapolooza, known for its focus on emerging talent, mean to you and your band?

We are really appreciative of festivals like Gussapolooza because it can be really hard to get your start in the festival circuit. A lot of festivals focus on established bands, so when we heard about Gussapolooza, we were really excited to be a part of this growing indie music community.

What makes Gussapolooza different from other festivals?

Gussapolooza is totally geared towards new, undiscovered bands which makes it really exciting! You’re coming to see emerging artists before they get big and you all get to stay the weekend and hang out together in a really fun and creative enviornment. The community is so supportive and there’s artists of all kinds there, making it a really inspiring and welcoming place.

With over 40 indie bands performing, how do you plan to stand out and make a lasting impression on the audience?

I thrive on bringing an empowering, high-energy performance to the stage and I aim to connect with the audience through the stories in my lyrics. Each show is an opportunity to not only share my songs but also grow our amazing music family. I always turn to music when I need a mental health boost and so I hope people walk away from our set feeling pumped up and armed with a new outlet to turn to when they need that shot of dopamine!

Are there any specific bands or artists at Gussapolooza that you’re excited to see perform?

Yeah! Last year, we were really impressed by The Manic Boys & Girls Club so we’ll be there to watch their set on Friday! We are also excited to see Feral Minks and our buds in Living Room for Small.

For fans who may be seeing you perform for the first time, what do you hope they remember most about your set?

Honestly, I just hope they remember how much fun they had rocking out with us! And for anyone who might be going through a tough time, I want them to know that these songs were born from my own struggles. Now, being on the other side, I get to share them with our amazing music community from the festival stage! If my journey can offer even a bit of solace or inspiration, that’s something I’m incredibly grateful for.

What’s next for you after Gussapolooza? Are there any upcoming projects or releases we should look out for?

Yes! My debut EP “Hiding Little Pieces” will be released on the first day of Gussapolooza! (Friday September 13th!) along with my new single called “You’re Not Ready!” I’m really proud of this song and I can’t wait for people to hear it!

I will also be performing “Under Pressure” as Annie Lennox with The Bowie Lives at Ground Control in Toronto on September 21st. I’m a huge fan of David Bowie, Queen and Annie Lennox, so I am so beyond stoked to be a part of this epic tribute show!

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