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ATOMIS – Five Questions With

Calgary Post-Metal ATOMIS ATOMIS Showcases Their Progressive Rock Side w/ Video “Maelstrom”

Canada’s progressive post-metal act Atomis is now releasing its box set discography to honour their late drummer Nathan Navetto. This complete collection spans a decade ranging from a high production debut album of previously unheard music to an experimental version of the album – “Nathan’s version” – called “Welcome to the Void”, which includes a remix of the debut album, plus 8 bonus ambient/experimental tracks fully written by Nathan. Closing up the box set is a Live off the Floor demos album of songs Atomis performed live regularly from 2010-2014. These are the songs that the local scene would recognize and songs that sadly never made it to the studio. The band comments on the release:

“This collection is long-awaited and well-deserved. Due to a variety of circumstances, and after many false starts, and the passing of our drummer and bandleader Nathan Navetto in 2020, the album never came out. We still have fans of our first single ‘Maelstrom’ asking about “The Album”, so we’re pleased to now share the entirety of our catalog in the form of a box set. Some finished, some half-baked, and some completely raw and recorded with a single microphone inside a concrete jamspace.”

Along with the box set, they are releasing two videos, one for the single “12 Chains” and the other for a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the music video. The track is driving, repetitive, and droning, constantly moving forward until it breaks. Doug Cook’s music video perfectly shows what one can go through in life, always searching for answers.

Atomis pulls from all aspects of inspiration, be it cinema, poetry, or nature, and tries to make an enveloping experience. The Void Box Set showcases the entirety of Atomis from the drawing board, to a polished album, but in reverse. It is recommended for fans of The Ocean, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and Radiohead.

First off care to introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Bryan Buss, and I’m a former member of the Canadian Postmetal band, ATOMIS.

Tell us a bit about your recent release.

After recording our debut album in 2014, several circumstances caused ATOMIS to dissolve into a solo project of our drummer Nathan Navetto until his unfortunate passing in 2020.

The remaining members, Nathan’s family and myself have spent the last few years compiling a special release from the archives, to release in remembrance of Nathan Navetto. The release will be a 3CD Boxset of our entire works, and will also include a 22 Card Set of Nathan’s original artwork and photos of our live performances.

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

From 2010 to 2014 – it was just 4 guys in a concrete jam space, no windows, sharing, laughing, feeling. Definitely some great memories were made. Typically Matt, Taylor, or Nathan would arrive with a few ideas, or sections, and we’d just jam it out.
After 2014, Nathan took the band out on his own and relocated to Vancouver where he continued to compose solo, and I’d contribute the odd bassline.

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

On August 31st, we’ll be inviting family, friends, and fans to The Globe Theatre in Calgary for a Double Music Video premiere, and album listening party.

Our friend and director Doug Cook has created two new music videos for us. The first being an epic video for the lead single, 12 Chains, which was originally sketched out by him and Navetto nearly a decade ago – using miniatures, actors, stop motion, CGI among other techniques. It’s wild!

The 2nd video is a completely alternate version of our video Maelström, using previously unseen live performance footage from 2012.

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

When our single Maelström took off in 2012, and we started getting waves of people online asking daily “when’s the album coming out?”, – it felt extremely nice to be heard as a musician. Like really heard, and in a way where it’s organic, and people are sharing it around, and there was really no self-promotion. It was super cool, and now we’re really happy to finally get that album to them.

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

Have to recommend Riley Marion from “Marcelle”, formerly “Simone”. He’s working daily to make mind-bending melody-infused harsh noise. It sounds like a complete cacophony, but it’s all him with a mix from Jack Shirley (Deafheaven, Whirr). He literally has 40 hours of music that he’s stripping down to a 4-hour release. Unreal.

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