Penny Shades

Penny Shades – EP 2 (EP Review)

Band: Penny Shades
EP: EP 2
Release Date: June 7, 2024
Genre: R&B/ Soul

Penny Shades, hailing from Nelson BC, is a vibrant neo/alt soul quartet ensemble renowned for their original music. Characterized by mesmerizing 3-part harmonies, electrifying lead vocals, and contemporary grooves infused with a touch of psychedelic allure.

Led by vocalist Sarah Orton, alongside guitarist Jesse Lee, keys/synth Jeremy Sauer, and drummer Ness Benamran, the group shared their four-song EP, EP 2 last week, with support from Creative BC.

Beginning with the latest single, “Hard Lines” is an emotive track that delves into the complexities of relationships amidst adversity, with smooth vocals conveying a deep desire to strengthen bonds. The repeated question “Where we gonna draw those hard lines” underscores the struggle to establish boundaries and find unity.

The previous single, “Way Back,” with its introspective tone and melodic charm captures the essence of a tumultuous yet enduring relationship, with heartfelt lyrics and a catchy beat guiding listeners through the highs and lows. The song beautifully navigates the complexities of love, with poignant reflections on reconciliation and nostalgia for simpler times.

In summary, EP 2 vividly portrays a range of emotions and experiences, seamlessly blending themes of love, resilience, introspection, and adventure. Across the four tracks, listeners are taken on a cohesive journey through the ups and downs of life and love, highlighting the artist’s versatility and storytelling skills.

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