
THUNDERCLAP – Five Questions With

Niagara Artist THUNDERCLAP Releases Thought-Provoking Holiday Single, “Blank State”

Niagara Falls multi-media performance artist THUNDERCLAP has unveiled their single, “Blank State.”

In the early months of 2023, initial filming began for a documentary about the growing homeless situation in Canada’s Niagara Region, it was inspired by this song…

5 months before Covid hit us I founded Camp Cataract in Niagara Falls (a northern themed bar/ pizzeria/ performance venue) and in the midst of Covid our downtown saw an unprecedented influx of unhoused individuals inundate the area. Unlike larger city centres, this small town was suddenly (and literally) face to face with this issue and not viewing it from afar as usual. As a store owner I was up close and toeing the line of navigating what’s good for business vs. acknowledging peoples’ problems and their humanity. With all the conflicting emotions that come along with this, I was compelled to write this song that addresses & empathizes with the derelict and downtrodden side of the holidays.

The video for “Blank Slate” features clips from the upcoming documentary (to be released in February 2024).

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey there, I’m the Niagara Falls-based performance artist THUNDERCLAP!  I’m ALL about the depths and intricacies of songwriting. I excel in performance. I revel in the craft of the psychology of audiences; I just want to take ’em for a long cute ride out into the boonies, drop’em off at the side of a lesser traveled road, and think about all the cool things they’re gonna learn as they try to find their way back home hahahahHAAAAAAhahahah. 

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

I’ve recently released the Christmas song/ music video ‘Blank Slate’. The song in question explores the derelict & downtrodden side of the holidays and inspired a 2 tiered documentary/ music video that received a humble grant from the city of Niagara Falls. The documentary explores the growing homeless situation in Ontario’s Niagara Region (in particular) & the music video is a summation of the documentary although it easily exists as a stand-alone piece. A fun piece of trivia: During the writing of the song ‘Blank Slate’, right up to its last completed edits, I inexplicably heard singing angels during the chorus, I started to blame this occurrence on a perfect resonance coming from the piano BUT I wrote it on 3 different pianos at 3 different locations; I’d wish I could tell you that I’m spinning a fish tale to garner attention, but it’s just simply true and still astonishes me and gives me the shivers.

This all aside, it’s now available on YouTube, Spotify, and most everywhere else. I’m very proud of its quality and message.

Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?

Although I’m searching for a booking agent/ assistance, the only live performances right now are for Jan 26th in St Catherines SUIT CASE IN  POINT ‘scratch night’, and March 6th @ Toronto’s ‘Drom Taberna’ (great venue)

If given the chance, which Canadian artist would you love to work with in the future?

It might sound funny or nerdy, but I’d really like to get my songs to David Foster for a myriad of reasons… the least of which, I wrote a song about him and I’m pretty sure he’d dig some of my mounting Christmas compositions.

What’s your goal for 2024?

A booking agent, a manager of sorts, more good honest people on team THUNDERCLAP, more quality productivity, and MORE healthy growth in all aspects of my life. Frankly, who do I need to sleep with for some leaps and bounds here? Call me crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe? 

Connect with THUNDERCLAP!: