HIGHFRONT – Five Questions With

HIGHFRONT’s Latest Song “Trickster Raven” Soars with Guitar-Heavy Power

HIGHFRONT is an Ottawa Valley (Pembroke) based Indie Hard Rock/Metal band that delivers a relentless assault of heavy riffs. Led by the powerful passionate vocals of frontman Adam Loback, the band’s lyrics explore themes of darkness, despair, and the human condition, while bassist Jason Desmarais and drummer Corey Zadorozny provide a tight and crushing rhythm section.

The band recently unveiled their single, “Trickster Raven.” Their signature guitar-heavy sound takes center stage on this track, as they explore the complexities of uncertainty and the elusive nature of the right path. The lyrics delve deep into the theme of uncertainty, challenging listeners to contemplate the choices they’ve made and whether they were the right ones. “Trickster Raven” serves as a symbol of ambiguity and the unpredictable twists of life.

“It’s a song that reminds us that uncertainty is a part of life, and it’s through the power of music that we can find catharsis and understanding.”

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

We’re a 3 piece rock band from Pembroke, Ontario just west of Ottawa. On drums we have Corey Zadorozny, on bass Jason Desmarais, and then me, Adam Loback on guitar and lead vocals

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

Jason: Our newest song was recorded at Skylark Studio by Jordan Zadorozny. This one has got a little more of a Punk feel to it than previous songs we’ve recorded. Lately, we’ve been trying to venture out into different styles of music all the while being vigilant in maintaining a heavy rock vein. We started off with the punk vibe using a 3 chord structure. To break it up, we incorporated the classic 80’s metal style triplets to the guitars in a few sections which I think works well together. For me, lyrically,  without preaching, it lays out a path in which someone is wasting their life away however that may be. If they don’t change things up, their whole life would’ve been wasted or all for not.

Adam: We just wanted to make something different than the last one…  And challenge ourselves to that standard.

If given the chance, which Canadian artist would you love to work with in the future?

Jason: I would love to work with Jeff Waters of Annihilator. I’ve always admired his work ethic and attention to detail.  Jeff’s ability on both sides of the soundboard is jaw-dropping and to have the chance to work with him in a studio environment is definitely on my bucket list. I know he’d be the guy saying, “not good enough. Do it again! And again! And again!  Pushing me to be the very best that I could be.

Adam: There are so many great artists to choose from, but if it was just down to one choice I’d go with Matt Mayes.

Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?

Adam: We are always looking for bookings, but we’re going back in the studio to cut a few more tracks. That’s the plan at the moment.

What’s your goal for 2024?

Adam: Playing, writing, and recording.

Jason: … and possibly shooting some videos for the new songs.

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