Miranda Joan Shares Her Latest Single, “Kiss A Stranger”
Canadian-born and bred, Brooklyn-based singer, songwriter, and musician Miranda Joan has unveiled her new single, “Kiss A Stranger.”
She confides on the meaning of the track,
“It was almost a year into lockdown, I’d left New York, moved back to Vancouver, Canada, my career was indefinitely on pause, I was single and living in a studio above the garage at my mother’s house. After twelve years, I was back home, in the woods and isolated. The undercurrent of my existential crisis was also a breakup. And so, as I processed all the above, I spent every night alone in the studio above the garage and wrote songs. What I wanted was to reach out and touch somebody. Anybody. I yearned for connection; for physical touch, and found a deeper appreciation for the simple joy and freedom of meeting someone new, someone outside “the pod”; of connecting with a stranger.”
Listen to “Kiss A Stranger” below and learn more about Miranda Joan via our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hi Canadian Beats readers! Miranda Joan here and it’s a pleasure to be back 🙂 I grew up between Montréal and Vancouver, my two homes, and have been making music in New York since finishing university there. I’m in the midst of releasing music from my sophomore album Overstimulated, which I’m excited to tell you more about.
Tell us a bit about your most recent release.
The next single off my album is called “Kiss A Stranger” and I wrote it while in the deep depths of lockdown. I left Vancouver when I was seventeen and here I was, twelve years later, my music career indefinitely on pause, in the throes of a breakup, living in the studio above the garage at my mum’s house, isolated and unsure, as we all were, of what the future held. I wanted connection, and, being a people person, I feared that we weren’t going to return to a world in which touch lived in our day-to-day lives. When shaking hands felt dangerous, it was hard to imagine a kiss, but that’s where my mind wandered. I wanted to break out of all constraints; from my room to my mind, from my past love to my present solitude, all that was holding me back, I wanted out. I wanted to kiss a stranger.
Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?
As you may see from my answer above, I pull most of my inspiration while writing from life. Living has been the muse and it has been an adventure-filled life thus far. Writing and music have been my refuge for all that I’ve experienced, good, bad, and in between, I’ve always turned to the page as my soft place to land. It’s also where I’ve often turned to process, to grow, and to heal. Music and words have caught me many times and for that, I am endlessly grateful.
Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?
I am in the midst of an exciting summer when it comes to performing. I had a few fun festivals in New York; the Unity Fest at Timeout Market and performing with Kylie Minogue during NY Pride, which was followed by a couple of shows at the Montréal Jazz Fest, one of which featured me alongside the Orchestra National de Jazz and then a show with CARRTOONS who co-produced the new album with me. And as of a week ago, I am on tour with The Killers for the next month in Europe and two weeks in the US! I’ll be performing my original music again in the fall around the album release date, so stay tuned on my socials (IG @mirandajoanmusic) or my website www.mirandajoan.com for more info and to hear the new music!!!
What’s your goal for 2023?
Putting out my album Overstimulated on November 10th is probably the biggest thing on deck for the remainder of this year. I’m super excited to let this album fly. It has some of my favorite musicians on it and is a collection of songs that mean a lot to me. As well as doing some original shows around the album release in New York and also the UK, however, I had the BEST time performing back home in Montréal and another goal of mine is to play more shows in Canada. So! If you’re reading and have a Canadian venue, city, or band you’d like to see me play with, please let me know!
Thanks for tuning in and please follow along, share the music, and, if the spirit moves you, kiss a stranger 😛