![Mindy Sins](https://canadianbeats.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/A64A2747-1024x683.jpg)
Mindy Sins Unveils New Single, “Give Me Your Love”
Post-punk-blues trio Mindy Sins has unveiled their new single “Give Me Your Love”.
As much a band, as it is an opportunity to reimagine rock and roll, Mindy Sins prides itself on its inclusion of all their musical influences – whether it be blues, rock, or metal, nothing is off the table when the band writes their music. Led by singer and guitarist Armando Leibeck, the band is backed by Colin Hassell’s loud, over the top and yet tasteful style on the drum kit, and Alessandro Zita’s cool and collected bass playing leaves space for the group while holding down the groove. For Leibeck, Mindy Sins is a way to be the person he always wanted to be growing up. The music is all about the guitar, the noise, the passion, the energy, the ability to let out everything, and more on each stage and stereo the band reaches.
Listen to “Give Me Your Love” below and learn more about Mindy Sins via our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hey! We’re Mindy Sins, a blues/rock trio based out of Ontario. The band is made up of ex-jazz school students looking to play the style of music we grew up listening to. On guitar and vocals is Armando Leibeck, bass is Alessandro Zita, and on drums is Colin Hassell. We love to play at pretty much all tempos, but whether it be fast or slow a key component of the band is in the way that we groove. Loud guitar solos are great and all, but the way the band swings through tunes like Desert Cookout, or gets funky in songs like Johnny the Meat Man is how we define the signature Mindy Sound.
The band originally started as a joke (as most great bands should), but once we started really enjoying writing and playing the music we all committed heavily to the group.
Tell us a bit about your most recent release.
Our single “Give Me Your Love” debuts June 16th on every platform that you can stream music on. It’s a hard, windows down rock and roll summer banger for everyone that likes driving fast and listening to music a little bit too loudly. In true Mindy Sins’ fashion, it’s unapologetically raunchy and paints a romance story based solely on desire.
“Give Me Your Love” is a demonstration of the band’s new, high-quality, heavy metal-esc direction in our new songwriting; a stark change from the group’s debut record Modern Cowboy. In tandem with the release, we’ve begun our live video series Mindy Sins – On The Union Floor, featuring two original tracks from our first record as well as Give Me Your Love and another new, unreleased original. You can find all of the live concert series as it releases on our YouTube Channel.
Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?
The music typically starts with some form of guitar or instrumental groove that one of the band members writes. Once we’ve settled on something that feels as though it carries a nice melody, Armando will typically write lyrics based on real-life experiences or semi-fictional stories. Some songs we like to plan every moment, while others we try to just see what happens. Typically we try not to share what our meaning of the music is, and leave every phrase up to the listener’s interpretation.
Having been both players and professional musicians for an extended period of time, sometimes the hardest challenge is to not play all the things people teach you as “the correct way to play”. Some of our favorite moments are when we play chords that are downright disgusting, bass lines that step away from standard harmony, and drum parts that are offensively huge. Working in a trio gives you so much space to be exactly who you are, and a lot of the time we try to not overwrite so that everyone can find their own space to breathe.
Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?
We’ll be playing NXNE on June 17th in Toronto.
What’s your goal for 2023?
We’re currently working on our next album, which is all a bit hush-hush at the moment. Ideally, we’d like to get on a few more festival dates, continue to grow our YouTube channel, and release more music for the world!
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