Calling All Captains Release New Single “Unlike Me”
Edmonton, AB-based pop-punk/post-hardcore band Calling All Captains, made up of Luc Gauthier (vocals), Brad Bremner (guitar/vocals), Connor Dawkins (guitar/vocals), and Tim Wilson (drums), are sharing a brand new single, “Unlike Me” and accompanying music video.
“Unlike Me” deals with the overwhelming thoughts of feeling like you’re not good enough for those around you. It’s so easy to compare yourself to others and wish you could be anyone else. Continuing down that road just leads to constant fixations on the most negative aspects of your life and can be super detrimental to your self-image and your ability to love yourself.
Watch the video for “Unlike Me” below and learn more about Calling All Captains via our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hey, we’re Calling All Captains! We’re a Métis-fronted Pop Punk/Post Hardcore group from Edmonton, AB. We all grew up playing in different bands around our local music scene and wanted to take it to the next level. We’ve toured relentlessly across North America, doing most of it DIY. We’re thankful for New Damage Records helping out with our latest release.
The band members are Luc Gaffwood (Vocals) Connor Dawkins (Guitar/Vocals) Brad Bremner (Guitar/Vocals) and Tim Wilson (Drums)
Tell us a bit about your most recent release.
Our most recent release was a whirlwind to finish. While on tour, we had a small break in Chicago to record a single with Sam Guaiana. There was a demo that was mostly worked out, but we made quick changes to the song in studio. It was coming together like a Lego Death Star. Slowly but surely. With Sam writing and recording the intricate bass lines for “Unlike Me”, it added a whole different layer to our music we’ve never had before. ”Unlike Me” is absolutely our best foot forward, and we have more to come! Bands often don’t give enough credit to their producers, but this song wouldn’t be as bangin’ without ol’ Sammy G!
Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?
I would say I pull inspiration from my own life and off-genre music. I don’t just listen to pop punk, I listen to lots of Melodic Hardcore and Hyper-Pop, which is a wild mixture on its own. Lyrically and musically, I work on everything with Connor. He is a big inspiration for me in a lot of ways as well. He’s such a professional when it comes to writing, and I’m very much a slap-it-together type of writer. Every piece of CAC music that comes out always has a unique brand of Luc & Connor.
Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?
Yes! We’ll be touring this summer in Western Canada. We start June 16th in Calgary. You can find tickets on our website at !
We’re also looking forward to playing the legendary Halloween Howler in Edmonton with Billy Talent and GOB.
What’s your goal for 2023?
Our goal this year is to get out there playing shows across Canada because we haven’t played our home country coast to coast in 4 years. We’d also like to get back in the studio ASAP to start our next release.
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