Tall Pork unveils their album, The Last Thing You’ll Ever Hear…
North Bay, ON-based punk rock band Tall Pork have recently shared their album, The Last Thing You’ll Ever Hear…
Fans of classic, Old-School Punk will love their in-your-face sound, catchy hooks, and laugh-out-loud lyrics that recall the glory days of bands like D.O.A, Bad Brains, and The Misfits.
Listen to the album below and learn more about Tall Pork via our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
We are an Old School Punk Rock band from North Bay, Ontario made up of Vyvan on guitar, Peet on bass, Kevid on drums, and Davey on vocals. We put out our first EP Idle But Deadly over a decade ago but Davey lived in Vancouver until 2021, since he moved back to North Bay we’ve done over a dozen shows and released our first full-length album.
Tell us a bit about your most recent release.
Our new album The Last Thing You’ll Ever Hear… is 12 original tracks of ear-blistering Punk that strongly reflects the kind of music we listened to as kids – The Misfits, Ramones, DOA, SNFU, and Bad Brains. We’ve all been playing Punk Rock for so long that it comes really naturally to us, and we keep it simple – short, tight songs with a catchy hook and no guitar solos! It’s entirely self-produced and recorded live off the floor in our jam space.
Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?
(Davey) I write mostly about personal experiences, like working at an amusement park in Niagara Falls as a teenager or what it’s like to live in East Van. We have a song about North Bay (Hole Into Hell) and a love song to my wife (Independence Day). I write songs constantly and present my ideas to the lads, if they like it then we add some riffs and work it out together. Vyvyan made the point years ago that our songs should always have some humour to them, so I try to make the lyrics funny and clever which lets me get away with saying some pretty serious things as well.
Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?
We just got a gig opening for Dayglo Abortions here in North Bay on June 4th which we’re really excited about! We just completed a short tour with Avem and All the Wasted Years and played Timmins and Cobalt, and we really love playing small northern towns cause the crowds are wild and hungry for live Rock and Roll.
What’s your goal for 2023?
We have around five new songs written and are planning to get a few more done and then record an EP this summer, we stay pretty prolific and always have new material in the works. We’re also hoping to do a tour of Southern Ontario and hit London, St. Catherines, Niagara, Hamilton, and a few other towns in the area. Overall the goal is simple – more shows, more songs, more recordings, and making tons more t-shirts. Our merch line is awesome thanks to Peet’s hard work and you’ll be seeing our logo splashed across chests everywhere this summer!