Lindsay Misiner & the 7th Mystic Unveil Their Self-Titled Album
After years of waiting, fans of Halifax-based 9-piece Soul and RnB band Lindsay Misiner & the 7th Mystic can finally sleep well. The band officially released their debut full-length album last Wednesday, April 12, including seven stunning original songs that speak on longing for love, love lost, and the becoming of a strong, empowered woman who doesn’t need anybody on her side.
Listen to Lindsay Misiner & the 7th Mystic below and learn more about the band via our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
Lindsay Misiner & the 7th Mystic is a female-fronted, 9-piece Soul and RnB band who have been together for over seven years now. Originally from Halifax, Lead singer Lindsay moved to Ontario from 2016-2020, which left the band on an impromptu hiatus for many years with no expectation of getting back together. When Lindsay made the jump to move back to Halifax in August of 2020, again, another impromptu decision – she started contacting some band members asking if anyone would still be interested. To her surprise, every single original member was interested, and the band got to work soon after Lindsay arrived back on Nova Scotian soil.
The band is special in that we have a unique sound that transcends decades and musical styles, with a live performance style that captivates audiences new and old. We don’t just get up on stage and play music. We engage with our audiences and lure them into a new world of sound.
Tell us a bit about your most recent release.
Our self-titled debut album is a beautiful work of art, including seven songs written over the past eight years. These songs are staple songs we’ve played over the years that our fans know and love, and will also offer new listeners a look into what they can expect from the band in both sound and songwriting.
Listeners can expect a blend of classic soul music from the 60s and 70s we know and love, touches of contemporary RnB, with a little hint of Latin. The album was recorded live off the floor at Halifax’s Ocean Floor Recording with engineer Franc Lopes, who is no stranger to working with talented artists in HRM and was sure to accommodate one of Halifax’s largest, most unique bands on the rise.
You can stream the album on all streaming platforms, including Spotify and Apple Music, to name a few – as well as purchase physical copies (only CDs for now, Vinyl will be available by September 2023) in Nova Scotian local stores Obsolete Records (Halifax), Taz Records (Halifax), Renegade Records (Dartmouth) and Motley’s (Dartmouth). Physical copies will also be available at all upcoming live shows and on our website.
Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?
Lead singer and band leader Lindsay Misiner wrote all of the lyrics on the album, some songs were collaborations with members of the band, and some were written solo by Lindsay. Many are amazed at her writing process, as guitarists in the band James McLean and Ryan White often come into rehearsals with a guitar melody, and bam! Five minutes go by, and Lindsay has a full ballad written.
When writing, Lindsay pulls inspiration from whatever the heck comes out of her body at the time. Pulling from childhood trauma, relationship trauma, and addictions trauma (Lindsay is seven years sober) – she has a multitude of lived-experience topics that she can speak on in a song, of which audiences can always relate to. Writing songs people can relate to is Lindsay’s top priority, and while it’s not something she thinks about when writing as it comes so naturally – the songs we chose to showcase on the album are a great example of exploring these topics and how traumatic experiences can shape a person and allow them to grow into their own.
Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?
We’ll be playing our first East Coast Music Week showcase Thursday, May 4th, at The Seahorse Tavern right here in Halifax! This show is huge for us, as it’s fresh after the album release, so we’ll be hot and heavy with buzz from the album and will be showcasing some new music.
We recommend everyone who loves us come to this show, and anyone looking for their new favourite band – make sure to come on out as it’s going to be one for the books. There is truly nothing like us, and we mean that with nothing but respect for the musicians who have come before us and share stages with us. We are all so connected at the heart and soul, seeing us is like reconnecting with your long-lost best friend from grade five: it just feels dang good.
What’s your goal for 2023?
In 2023 we’re looking to expand our reach outside of Halifax, as while the hometown glory thing is amazing and we are so grateful for all of the opportunities we’ve been granted – we have to ensure the rest of the world gets to hear us, too.
Over the next year, you can expect that band leader and lead singer Lindsay Misiner will be working behind the scenes on obtaining National festival contracts and getting the band’s music into TV and Film. Another album will be in the works from the band. All the while, you can expect the band to play a string of local shows throughout Halifax and branch into other East Coast locations that should be announced very soon on our website.
Connect with Lindsay Misiner & the 7th Mystic: