Canadian tech company Side Door, a web-based platform that supports in-person shows in non-conventional spaces like living rooms, bookstores, warehouses, etc., by connecting artists with hosts and providing easy-to-use show-booking tools.
Now that live shows have vigorously returned post-pandemic, and more artists than ever are touring with fewer venues to play, the need for the vibrant network of non-traditional venue spaces that Side Door offers has never been greater.
Side Door recently launched a redesigned and refined platform that better connects hosts with artists to create incredible in-person concert experiences, and it was featured on the popular Dragon’s Den TV show on November 3rd. Side Door’s Laura Simpson (CEO and co-founder) and Dan Mangan (co-founder and JUNO Award-winning artist) successfully pitched the Dragons, making a deal on the show with Arlene Dickinson.
Watch the episode here and learn more about Side Door via our mini-interview.

First off, introduce yourself and Side Door to our readers.
My name is Laura Simpson, and I am the CEO and co-founder of Side Door. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and have worked in the music industry for 15 years.
Side Door was featured on the popular Dragon’s Den TV show earlier this month. What made you take the opportunity to pitch?
We had a producer from the show reach out to us, which was lovely. Compared to other companies on the show, we’re a bit of a later-stage company, but we wanted to take a shot at getting in front of a television audience and making a deal with one of the Dragons.
What was the experience of being on Dragon’s Den like?
Fun, exhilarating, nerve-wracking, and ultimately fruitful! You have to know your answers (and all your numbers) off the top of your head because six Dragons drill you for 45 minutes or more. But we were prepared and knew what they would jump on. It was great to find a deal with Arlene Dickinson.
You ended up making a deal on the show with Arlene Dickinson. Does this deal change anything about the way you’ll be doing business?
The deal is still in progress, so not thus far. We will continue to focus on connecting artists and hosts to book in-person shows.
What can we expect from Side Door in 2023?
We’re digging into how to tour sustainably within North America. We aim to increase the number of booking hosts, so artists have more places to play and control over their live touring revenue. We will have announcements very shortly about our new program offered for US touring.
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