Dave Matthews Band
All Photo Credit: Caroline Charruyer

Dave Matthews Band in Vancouver, BC – IN PHOTOS

Dave Matthews Band
All Photo Credit: Caroline Charruyer

Dave Matthews Band
November 2, 2022
Rogers Arena, Vancouver, BC
Canadian Beats Passport

Dave Matthews started the first night of their winter tour 2022 yesterday at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC.

With a career beginning in 1991 and over 24 million concert tickets sold, the band does not need any introduction. Anyone having attended a DMB concert knows that each night is a unique experience, as no two shows are the same. You could feel the crowd’s anticipation as 7:45 pm neared. When the 7-members band took to the stage, the audience spontaneously started singing Happy Birthday to drummer Carter Beauford. Once the cheers and applause tapered off, the band opened their set with When the World Ends and Pantala Naga Pampa.

Dave Matthews Band will be on the road in the US all of November, culminating with Madison Square Garden in NYC.

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For more photos of Dave Matthews Band, head to our Facebook page!