Interview – Shane Connery Volk

It’s difficult to nail down a genre that Calgary’s Shane Connery Volk “belongs” to, which keeps things extra interesting, including on debut single “Shiver”. Not only does he rival his musical idols by “painting” with his words, but he’s also tackled the world of art with his original graphic novel of the same name.

First off, your new single “Shiver” rivals with some of the grunge greats of the ’90s, so if that vibe was in your mind…you nailed it! Who are some of the first artists and bands that you looked up to as a songwriter?

I love that you picked up on that! I think no matter what, you always bring your influences with you. I grew up on 90’s Rock. AIC, Soundgarden, PJ, STP, the list goes on. Cornell has always been a huge influence on my lyrics especially. I just love the pictures he could paint with his words.

With this working as your first single as a solo artist, what would you say is the biggest difference from working within your group, One Bad Son, to now being the one “in charge”?

Haha well it’s a much different process. I’ve really grown to love working collaboratively, but it was cool to make all the creative choices on my own. That being said, I wouldn’t want to work this way all the time. I really miss the band dynamic!

Besides music, we need to touch one your foray into the comic book world as well! How did you start working in that area of the arts?

I’ve been drawing my whole life and I finally started taking it seriously a few years ago. I submitted my art to a contest with Florida publisher, Mad Cave Studios, and won. That’s how I landed “Nottingham”. It’s been a wild ride!

Along with the new single, you’ll be releasing a 20-page graphic novel with the same name. Will you market these two items as a pair? If so, how?

Absolutely! The comic will be released along with the video a week after the song drops. It will be available in digital form through Amazon, and I have printed copies for sale at shows.

What are your plans for the next six months?

Next up I will be playing a few solo shows. OBS is back writing again and KD and I are pumped to get back in the studio and on the road! I’m also deep into the second series of Nottingham, so a ton of comic art is on the go as well!

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