Zach Gerber | Canadian Beats Media
For fans by fansMon, 19 Sep 2022 19:38:29 +0000en-US
1 Hills – “Stubborn Lovers” (Single Review)
Mon, 19 Sep 2022 19:38:29 +0000 Hills recently unveiled their single, “Stubborn Lovers” Hamilton, ON-based indie-rockers Silvertone Hills are back with their single, “Stubborn Lovers.” The single is their first release since 2020’s “Reaction” and “Upside Down.” SilvertoneHills will take “Stubborn Lovers” across Canada’s biggest music cities this Fall, hitting venues from London through Montreal, including Toronto’s infamous Horseshoe Tavern, which has played host to heavy-hitters like the Rolling Stones and the Ramones. Review “Stubborn Lovers” comes in at just over the three-minute mark and […]
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