Five Questions With Little Coyote

Toronto, ON-based indie alt-pop artist, Little Coyote (aka Teagan Johnston) is back with a brand new video for the single, “Dig Up My Grave“.

“It’s about four different breakups,” she explains of the track and its hauntingly beautiful video. “They all happened all at once in my life last summer. Although the nature of each breakup and relationship was different, I found a connective theme in each relationship: toxicity.”

“Dig Up My Grave” follows the success of the early 2019 single, “Witness” – her poignant single touching on her life as a victim of domestic abuse, and its aftermath.

Check out the video below and find out more about Little Coyote via our Five Questions With segment.

Care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi! My name is Teagan Johnston – I go under Little Coyote. I’m am an artist currently living in Toronto, Canada -I play piano, sing and write music.

Tell us a bit about your music and writing style.

My music can usually be described using words like “Dark” “Emo” or “Moody.” I write music to process my emotions so that inevitably comes across in the songs. I grew up playing classical piano so music has always been a kind of outlet for me – elements of my classical upbringing still come out a lot in my writing and I think are especially evident in my most recent release “Dig Up My Grave.”

Do you have any upcoming shows? For someone who has yet to see you live, how would you explain your live performance?

I’m playing a sort of secret show in Toronto on September 7th for Grolsch and Sofar Sounds and then gearing up for a couple of tours after that. Depending on the show I sometimes play solo which is just me and my keyboard or with a full band which consists of a couple back up singers, bass, drums and then myself on keys, vocals, and synth.

Both are fairly different experiences but I think overall what I hope to leave people with is a really raw intimate experience of my emotions and the songs.

If you were asked to suggest only one of your songs for someone to hear, which would it be?

So hard to choose! Today my answer is “Witness.”

Canadian Beats is all about Canadian music, so who are your current favourite Canadian bands/ artists?

Some Canadian artists I’ve been listening to and enjoying recently are Cat Clyde and Molly Drag!

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