Bobby Wills
Photo Supplied by Strut Entertainment

Alberta’s Willing Records Celebrates Multiple 2024 CCMA Award Nominations (Interview)

Willing Records is celebrating the announcement of five 2024 Canadian Country Music Association (CCMA) Award nominations for:

  • Record Company of the Year – Willing Records
  • Management Company of the Year – Willing Records 
  • Industry Person of the Year – Bobby Wills 
  • Songwriter of the Year – Tony Stevens
  • Video of the Year – The Prairie States

Bobby Wills is the Label partner and General Manager of Willing Records, as well as an award-winning artist known for his heartfelt songwriting and blending classic country with a modern twist. With over 19 million global career streams and six top 10 singles, he continues to push boundaries and brings a wealth of experience and passion to Willing Records, contributing to the success of the label and its artists.

“Venturing into the country music business in Canada was a dream I’ve had for as long as I can remember. My years as an artist, working with some of the industry’s finest, fueled this passion. At Willing Records, we aimed to build a new version of an old model, making our artists partners and shifting to a more artist-friendly approach that focuses on development. Watching our artists grow and achieve new milestones is incredibly rewarding, and these nominations validate our efforts,” said Wills. “Being recognized as a team and individually in these categories tells me we are on the right track. It is humbling to have our brand stand alongside the industry’s finest, and we couldn’t be more excited.” 

We caught up with Bobby Wills for a chat about Willings Records, and their CCMA nominations.

First off, care to introduce yourself and Willing Records to our readers?

My name is Bobby Wills. I’m an artist and entrepreneur with a deep passion for artist development and country music.

How does it feel as Label Partner and General Manager to see Willing Records receive five CCMA Award nominations in 2024?

We’re incredibly honored to be recognized alongside such esteemed peers. We know we still have a long way to go to truly earn our place among these nominees, but this acknowledgment gives us confidence that we’re on the right path to building something truly special.

How does it feel to be recognized as Industry Person of the Year, and what do you think contributed to this acknowledgment?

As an artist, I was always in awe of being nominated among my peers, never something I expected. I’m deeply grateful for the recognition of our hard work. To now receive this kind of acknowledgment for a dream we took a risk to pursue is even more surreal. This nomination is a testament to the incredible artists and industry partners we’re fortunate to work with—it reflects more on them than on me personally.

Can you share more about the vision behind Willing Records and how you aim to support artists in the current music landscape?

Being an artist in this industry is incredibly challenging—it’s not for the faint of heart, yet they persevere out of pure passion. Our vision is to uplift resilient, patient, and talented artists through genuine partnerships. We aim to create a foundation that is both equitable and secure, so our artists can focus on their craft, knowing they have a partner who is fully committed to their success. We’re also excited to see our team growing with the addition of Melisse Kelly as our Digital Operations Manager and our deepening partnership with producer Dan Swinimer, whose incredible ear and track record in artist development continue to inspire us.

Can you describe the significance of the nominations for Record Company of the Year and Management Company of the Year for Willing Records?

When Tammy (my wife and partner) and I embarked on this journey, we knew there would be skeptics. We shared the core vision of Willing Records with the team at Universal Music Canada, and they believed in it. To find ourselves here three years later is truly surreal. We are deeply grateful for the recognition, and we understand that there’s still so much more to accomplish for our artists and this community.

With rising artists like Tony Stevens and The Prairie States on your roster, how does the label plan to build on this success moving forward?

Any success we’ve had is largely due to the incredible efforts of our artist partners. The Prairie States and Tony Stevens are both coming off career-defining years, and the sky is truly the limit for them. We’re just getting started. Our approach is to take it one step, one song, and one project at a time. We believe we have a remarkable roster, and 2025 will see us welcoming new artist partners that we’re excited to support. The last three years have taught us so much, and we’re eager to apply those lessons as we continue to grow and evolve.

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