Redpath Traffic

Redpath Traffic shares new single, “Dundas Square”

Canadian Rock Band Redpath Traffic Releases New Single, “Dundas Square”

Introducing Toronto-based band Redpath Traffic and their latest release, “Dundas Square”! Dropped on August 13th, this track is a vibrant ode to the iconic downtown area. As Dundas Square prepares for a name change, Redpath Traffic captures its essence—both the highs and the lows—in this irresistible rock anthem. With a chorus that’s sure to stick with you, “Dundas Square” celebrates the character and impact of one of Toronto’s most renowned spots.

The band shares,

Toronto needed a song! There aren’t a lot of songs about Toronto, or that even mention it in passing, so what’s better than creating a catchy rock song about the area of the city where you’re right in the mix of it all.

It’s changed a lot over the years, but in the 70s and 80s it was at the bottom of an area known as the Yonge Street Strip – a name well-earned! Crazy days but crazy fun that still goes on to this day if you know where to find it.

Yes, there’s a controversy going on currently about the name Dundas. We’re not saying change the name and we’re not saying don’t change it. Our point is that you can change the name, but that’s all that will change. You won’t change the culture, you won’t change the people, you change the area’s characteristics, you certainly won’t change history, and people will continue to call it Dundas Square anyway.

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