Photo Credit: Samantha Vessios

Bleeker releases new single, “Make It Better” (Interview)

JUNO Nominated Band, Bleeker to Release New Single “Make It Better”

JUNO and Canadian Radio Music Award-nominated alternative-rock band Bleeker has unveiled their impactful new single “Make It Better,” via Known Accomplice / Cadence Music Group.

Produced by Brian Moncarz (The Tea Party, Alice Cooper, Our Lady Peace), “Make It Better” is an anthemic feast of sounds about coming to terms with being in troubled times and pleading for someone to make things better. While the presentation is haunting and dark at times, there is an overarching and uplifting feel to the song. 

“’Make It Better’ was written as a ‘thrill is gone’ kind of vibe. You were someone but slowly see yourself becoming less,” said Taylor Perkins of Bleeker. “Who you thought you were is slowly disappearing, piece by piece. When you can’t find the zest for life like you once could before, it’s at that moment you realize you need someone to help.” 

First off, care to introduce Bleeker to our readers?

Hi, we’re Bleeker, a rock band from Orillia Ontario. We have a new song called “Make It Better” that’s on a brand new album we are releasing closer to the summer. Our previous album is called Erase You. It had a pretty big song on it called “Highway”.

Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind your new single, “Make It Better,” and the message you aim to convey through the song?

It’s really a thrill is gone type of vibe. It’s about coming to realize you’ve changed or are changing. You see pieces of yourself disappearing and you want it to stop but you also realize you can’t stop it alone, you need help.

The new single is produced by Brian Moncarz, known for his work with artists like The Tea Party and Our Lady Peace. How did working with Brian contribute to the overall sound and direction of “Make It Better”?

Brian’s got great ears! We’ve been friends with Brian for a long time and it’s not the first time we’ve worked together so it was natural. He really pushes the performance side and works to get the best out of us.

With the release of “Make It Better” and plans for more music in 2024, how would you describe the evolution of Bleeker’s sound and musical direction compared to your earlier work?

I feel like with this record we were truly creating the music WE wanted to make. We’ve always had label A&R people with their own interests influencing what we do. This time around our new label Known Accomplice really just gave us their blessings to make the best Bleeker, no pressure, just encouragement. We love what we’ve made. We can’t wait to get it out. It’s an alt-rock record, it’s loud, it’s catchy, melodic and we are just really happy with it.

Bleeker, like many, faced unexpected challenges and a hiatus due to the world being in lockdown. How did this period of uncertainty impact the band’s creative process, and what led to the decision to sever ties with the label?

We were actually really creative during that time. We wrote a ton. It was super frustrating cause we had music we had released just before and we wanted to be touring to support it. As far as the label change, we parted ways amicably. I think we’re still friends. We just didn’t feel we were on the same page creatively and that’s all the team of lawyers involved will allow us to say…just kidding. It was a very friendly breakup. They did a lot for us and we appreciate their work.

The band is supporting The Trews on select dates of their House Of Ill Fame Anniversary Tour. How did this collaboration come about, and what can fans expect from your performances on this tour?

We’ve toured with The Trews before and we got along pretty famously, band & crew. They’re all great people and killer live. I guess our management and their management are close, we’re on the same label now, same agency, it came together quickly and we didn’t even think about it when they offered, it was just YES! And it’s been amazing! We can’t thank them enough. Thank you again to The Trews! In Regina and again in Winnipeg we joined them onstage for a song, that was too much fun!

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