
Status/Non-Status Reveal Video For “Surely Travel”

Status/Non-Status Share New Video For Title Track Of Acclaimed LP, Surely Travel

Next week, Status / Non-Status pack up the van and head out for a run of shows in Quebec and Ontario, all performance dates can be found below.

In an almost nostalgic nod to the road, the band shared the new video for “Surely Travel”, the title track from their most recent LP.

“This video is a journey through memories, comprising family videos as well as photographs taken during the last year of touring the album Surely Travel,” says songwriter Adam Sturgeon. “In some ways, it is a diary or scrapbook that has weathered over the passage of time. These films have aged as well as our bodies from all this time on the road. ‘Surely Travel’ is a heartfelt and nostalgic visual trip that serves this song and the feelings we leave behind in transit, the emotional baggage we carry along with us, and the hope and optimism we seek to find with every new destination we reach.”

October 5 – Windsor – Meteor
October 6 – London – Palasad Social Bowl
October 7 – Montreal – Tiny Fest

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