Mark Howard
Photo credit: Lisa Macintosh

Mark Howard releases new book, Recording Icons/Creative Spaces: The Creative World of Mark Howard

Mark Howard
Photo credit: Lisa Macintosh

A brilliant Christmas gift for music fans! Mark Howard’s Recording Icons/Creative Spaces: The Creative World of Mark Howard is OUT NOW!

Producer Mark Howard has always made unique records. For Howard, it’s not just about the recording process — making great music is also about creating unique, comfortable environments designed to bring out the best in the artist. To this end, he’s spent a career seeking architecturally remarkable spaces to make albums. In his brand new book, Recording Icons / Creative Spaces, you’re invited behind the curtain to watch these music industry legends create and observe the visual portraits of the iconic spaces where your favorite records were recorded.

Purchase Recording Icons/Creative Spaces: The Creative World of Mark Howard via Kindle here.
Purchase Recording Icons/Creative Spaces: The Creative World of Mark Howard via paperback here.

Mark Howard 2

We spoke with Mark for a brief Q&A about the book and its creative process. Find out more below.

How did you develop the idea to create Recording Icons/Creative Spaces: The Creative World of Mark Howard?

I have documented most of the records I have made for the last 30 years.

I started doing time-lapse photography in the studio to document what instruments and microphones were used so that we could get back to those sounds. Then I started photographing the locations I made the records.

After my book Listen Up! I had the idea to use these photos to showcase the artists I work with and the locations where I made their records.

How did you feel when looking back on all of the spaces you’ve worked in and the people you’ve worked with?

Once I put these photos together, I was a little overwhelmed by how many I had and amazed by how beautiful it all looked. It was hard to let some of the photographs go in the selection process for the book, but I feel this is the best of the bunch.

What ten words would you choose to describe and sell the book?

1. Iconic
2. Unique
3. Musical
4. Inspirational
5. Creative
6. Interior
7. Exotic
8. Global
9. Passion
10. Secret