Madison Mueller
Photo Credit: Jake Matthias

Countdown to Gussapolooza – Interview with Madison Mueller

Madison Mueller, a young singer-songwriter with a compelling and genuine voice, is on a mission to share her soul through her music. Her unique sound has resonated with fans both online and at her live shows, capturing hearts with every performance. Over the past five years, her singles have graced radio stations worldwide and earned her several independent music awards. Madison’s on-stage presence and deep connection with her audience showcase her true purpose and passion for her craft.

Madison will be performing at this year’s Gussapolooza in Cooksville, ON, on September 15 on the barn stage.

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi there! My name is Madison Mueller, I’m a Singer/Songwriter from Barrie, Ontario. My goal as a musician is to explore the worlds of rock, folk, and indie genres and merge them together through my storytelling songs. I draw my influences from many artists, ranging from classic rock icons we know and love, to emotional songwriters such as Joni Mitchell, Fleetwood Mac, Ben Howard, Bon Iver, Maggie Rogers, and many more! I try to be as introspective and genuine within my music as possible, and I think because of this, my style and songs can cross into many walks of life. I have been working at establishing myself as a musician since I was a teenager and am now into my 20s, and strive to share my music with those that can relate to life’s many ups and downs. 

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

My most recent release is a song called Sweet Bitterness and I still feel very connected to the hopeful undertones within the song. I wrote it during a period of lockdowns where all I wanted was to experience the childlike joy that we used to get from the most mundane moments as kids. It was an aching to feel alive and actively be in the moment – while also feeling so removed from that. My sound is constantly evolving, but so far this song has felt the closest to where I see my music veering towards. It’s based in folk elements with some pop and indie influences mixed within. I recorded this with Michael Jack and was so excited with how he helped shape the song from where it started. There are many incredible musicians playing within the track, and I still love playing it live with just myself and the guitar. It holds up even today and I feel very proud of the single! 

How would you describe your musical style to someone who has never heard your music before?

For those that haven’t heard my music, I would tell them to expect a folk/indie style that is met with lyrics that are thought provoking and genuine. I try and bring humility into my music and that includes lyrics that are close to my heart and what I’m experiencing at the time. I try and allow for those lyrics to shine, but I love creating catchy melodies and hooks that hopefully will get stuck in people’s heads. The sound of a song is just as important as the lyrics and I try and remember that when putting a song together! 

What does performing at a festival like Gussapolooza, known for its focus on emerging talent, mean to you and your band? What makes Gussapolooza different from other festivals?

I was one of the lucky people who had the chance to play at Gussapolooza in 2022. Getting to come back is an incredible honour and I cannot wait to share what I have been working on. More importantly, I’m so very excited to talk with my fellow artists and watch some of the other sets. I know it would be impossible for me to walk away from this event without feeling totally inspired by my peers. Building yourself up with other artists is far more important to me than competing for a spotlight, and Gussapolooza is all about community. Everyone has their own pocket that they thrive in and I’m all for supporting each other and feeling connected at the very centre of everything. I’m proud to be within that in part because of this festival! 

With over 40 indie bands performing, how do you plan to stand out and make a lasting impression on the audience?

With all the amazing talent over the course of the weekend, it’s going to be hard to stand out amongst all the other artists and bands. I strive to connect with those that feel a connection to my sound and the content that I’m singing about. There is different music for everyone for a reason. I think trying to cater to everyone’s ideal sound is impossible and that’s the beauty of the variety at Gussapolooza. I know I have my favourite musicians and that’s going to be entirely different from any artist before or after me. If I could manage to connect with even just one person on a deep level through my music, I think I will have met my goal. That being said, I love interacting with the audience in front of me, and I try and make it more than just a recording that you’re listening to. I like to think that I captivate a crowd because of that! 

Are there any specific bands or artists at Gussapolooza that you’re excited to see perform?

I’m excited to see some of the other acoustic acts, as I find I can draw a lot of inspiration for my own music from those performances. I love a good story within a song and I’m just excited to experience that in such an intimate way from my fellow artists. 

For fans who may be seeing you perform for the first time, what do you hope they remember most about your set?

I hope that my music causes the audience to remember a moment from their own life based on my songs. At the last Gussapolooza that I played, someone told me that my music made them want to call up their old high-school friends because of the nostalgia that my music brought them. Comments like that stick with me and I hope more people leave with that feeling. 

What’s next for you after Gussapolooza? Are there any upcoming projects or releases we should look out for?

As for the future after Gussapolooza, I’m hoping to get together some proper live recordings of my newer originals for people to relive some of my live show. After that, I have a few ideas for an upcoming EP if certain things fall into the right places, and I couldn’t be more excited to have a proper collection of songs for people to jump into. Besides that, I’m performing live all around Simcoe County and the GTA and I would love to see some familiar faces from the festival coming out to those shows. All of that will be available on my socials! 

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