Good morning, afternoon, or whenever you happen to be enjoying this article. I am your host Zach Coopz, here to provide you with the best new music that is from Canadian Beats Media. These are articles that were handpicked by yours truly, from last week’s batch of brand-new music. Canadian Beats is the place that always has the best music on the Internet. So stay up-to-date with everything good that is coming out on our social media platforms. That includes this section right here, it’s called Zach’s Picks Of The Week!! You can find the links to each of these articles coming up, so please check out each of them. But right now we’re going to kick it off with brand-new music, it’s number five here on n Zach’s Picks Of The Week!!

Let’s begin with the introduction of singer-songwriter Michael Bernard Fitzgerald. A Western Canadian artist set to release his sixth full-length album, Horizon Lines, later this year. Created throughout the transformative journey of entering fatherhood, the new music continues to weave together soulful sounds and introspective words, reaffirming a dedication to crafting songs that speak to the heart. The album’s second single is a bright and driving song called “Forever and Always.” Check it out now and all your favourite streaming platforms and in the article that we have posted, right through here.

Moving on to the next one, I am pleased to introduce Canadian Billboard-charting recording artist, and alternative soul singer Avery Raquel. Currently in Europe expanding her fan base, she’s been entertaining audiences professionally for over a decade. Her latest self-titled release debuted on the top 200 R&B and soul album charts in Canada. The new single, “You,” was written by Avery as a songwriting challenge that she gave herself during COVID. The inspiration came from communication issues in a past relationship. Please check out more about the brand new single “You” in our article right here.

Coming up right after that will be the latest from Montreal-based band Ribbon Skirt, formerly known as Love Language, called “Cellphone.” Find it now on all your favourite streaming platforms, this single marks their change in name and brings with it a darker and more introspective sound. Dealing with themes of memory, grief, and Buswa’s connection to her Indigenous identity and cultural practices. You can find the official music video linked in our article here.

Taking this week’s second top spot on my list, contemporary songstress Sheena Legrand joins us with her newest single. “Heroes in the Making” is available now on all streaming sites and is an inspiring pop anthem that explores the innocence and resilience of becoming the hero in your own story. Serving as a heartfelt soundtrack to the relationship with her late father, Legrand says “Hero in the Making” is ultimately inspired by her father rising up to the role of being a great dad and supporting both his wife and children over the years. If you wanna check out the brand-new single and the interview we had with Sheena Legrand, visit the link right here.
BONUS: Canadian Beats Passport

Welcoming this week’s bonus recommendation for Canadian Beats Passport, it’s Seattle-born and now Hoover, Alabama-based musician Michael Lawson. His latest single “Tears and Whiskey” stems from the feeling of going to concerts, when the only lights found in the audience came from cigarette lighters. This nostalgic single is off of his album, “Tennessee River Shakedown” which you can find across all streaming sites. The latest is a song that speaks to Lawson’s own grown children, finding their way in a world where seas of social media can swallow one’s sense of self-worth. Check out the album and our article just right here.

This spot is reserved for my number one recommendation of the week, for the best new music from our website. It’s Toronto-based alternative artist Marshall Jacklin, who’s unveiled his latest single, “Jonathan” on all streaming sites. He is the complete musician package, writer, producer, and performer, and he records all of his own material. With elements of jazz, hip-hop, country, and indie rock within his music. I encourage you to check out the interview we have with Marshall, right here.
Those are going to conclude this week’s list of the best new music around. Please be sure to visit the links to each of these articles in the post above. Otherwise, you can go explore the rest of our website for even more awesome content. This website is always posting new music on all of our social media platforms. So if you don’t mind giving us a follow, it will benefit you greatly. But no one‘s forcing you to listen to this music. These are just my personal favourites from this last week, though I do hope you enjoy them. Please be sure to share them with your friends and I will see you next week when we bring a brand new list around. Spread the love and positivity in our world and I leave you with, PEACE, LOVE, AND GOOD MUSIC EVERYONE!!