Daniel Lew

Daniel Lew – Five Questions With

Vancouver’s Daniel Lew Releases New Album, Destiny

Vancouver’s Daniel Lew has released his new record Destiny, along with the latest single, “Let The Angels Shine.”

Daniel Lew, a singer-songwriter with a profound mission to uplift, faced a trans-formative moment a decade ago when he lost hearing in his left ear and developed tinnitus. This unexpected turn steered him towards music, igniting an unyielding passion that now defines his life.

First off care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Howdy! I’m Daniel Lew, and I am a singer-songwriter from Vancouver. I like writing tunes at the beach, getting a sweat on, eating BBQ, surf/skate/snowboarding…. Oh wait Sorry, I started treating this question like a dating profile hahah. My bad.

Tell us a bit about your recent release.

“Destiny” is a body of work that was mostly written in 2023. The title track was actually completed in 2021 but had to be shelved for a few years.

I made the intention to make an EP and then gained momentum with my writing, so I decided to cut another full-length project.

One driving force behind this project was to create something that would also provide opportunities for other underrepresented artists to showcase their work. Happy to say that I achieved that goal with a team of 12, 90% with Asian-Canadian heritage.

Thematically, Destiny is simply a record of who I was in 2023, much of the stories and feelings were inspired by experiences in my life. It includes tales of introspection, joy, heartache, acceptance, rebellion, whistleblowing, corporate life, familial tension, romance, and universal love.

Genre-wise, it’s quite the smorgasbord. There are hints of folk, rock, pop, hip-hop, and blues throughout.

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

It’s always an evolving process for me. The more and more I do this, I find I revert back to being a minimalist. My favorite environment for writing is the beach, with nothing but my guitar, pen, and notebook. Long before I was songwriting, I just loved playing guitar, so I quite enjoy just riffing and strumming for fun, there is a moment when the songwriter’s brain turns on, and then I make the decision to commit an idea. Recently, I am finding I am improving my ability to work on songs in my head. Music usually flows with more ease than the words, and it’s the melody that guides the way for me.

Last year, I did A LOT of busking performances, and some songs even blossomed from improvisations while I was out there. I had less time and energy for writing because I was performing so much, and I realized that I could be efficient if I just fleshed out ideas while busking. For example, “Man In The Captain’s Seat” began as a loop improv, and I started belting the chorus melody without any words, but then to my surprise, a lot of people stopped to tip me. I figured it would be a tune that resonated with people. Lo and behold, so far it’s been a fan favorite from both the live show and the album!

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

I just returned home from the Destiny Tour. It was an 8-week, 24-show tour that took me from Vancouver all the way to Montreal. It was an incredible experience. I can’t wait to get back out on the road to keep playing more shows and promoting my work, so I am beginning tour planning again as we speak.

Even while home, I perform as much as possible though to put myself out there.. I am a busker at Granville Island, as well as TransLink, so I am given’r at least 5 days per week, and taking on other gigs in the evening when the opportunities are there.

As for content, I am beginning a monthly live stream/hangout on my Patreon where subscribers can come for an interactive show where they can hang out and listen, request, songs, and chat. I am hoping to utilize this time to share more in-depth behind the creation of the album.

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

Hmm.. Creatively speaking, I think it would be making my first record “Jiving Nomad” back in 2019. I did everything on that project. Writing, recording, producing, mixing, mastering, album artwork and CD design. Completing that one really unlocked my self-belief about what I am able to accomplish independently. I credit my creative genius cousin, Eric San AKA Kid Koala, as being someone who really helped me realize that I have all the tools at my disposal to follow a project through to the end.

Another moment is when I randomly met Jacob Collier. I started my morning with a busking performance at the train station, and once I had met my quota I could have stopped, but I knew I had more music to give to the world. So I packed up my stuff and went to another spot. During the next performance, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a very colourfully dressed man walking by, and I quickly realized that it was Jacob Collier. I wanted to stop and be a music nerd with him, but I was entertaining a crowd, and the show must go on… He saw that I recognized him, approached me while I was singing, put his hands together, and said “You sound amazing”, and then just kept on his way. It was so epic…

I feel like the Universe was saying “Hey Daniel, here’s the validation you are looking for, but remember, you don’t need any of that. The only thing you need is your self-belief, your love for music, and your intention to use it for good in the world”.

Lastly, the biggest motivator for me to go this deep into my music career was losing my hearing in my left ear. In 2013, I spontaneously went deaf overnight after having a terrible dream. The diagnosis still isn’t clear, but one hypothesis is inflammation of the inner ear, called Labrynthitis, leading to sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo. At the time, music had taken a backseat to my academic journey. It took me a few years to process what happened, but eventually, it led me back to the conclusion that I need to devote myself to my music path. It has forever changed my perspective on music, because I have been given a glimpse of what life would be like without music and sound. As a result of that, I am grateful every day for my hearing and my health, and I use that to fuel the intensity that goes into my craft.

There are so many more moments that come to mind, but this section will become a novel if I don’t stop now. If readers want to know more about my journey, they can definitely reach out to me and I am happy to share!

My encounters with Ed Sheeran and Dan Mangan seem to be popular stories

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

The first person that comes to mind is Toronto-based Jacq Teh, either in her solo work or with her jazzy, R&B band Moodset.

I first saw her perform at the Jade Music Festival in Vancouver. Right when I heard her voice, I thought “how have I never heard of her before!!?” She was giving me Alicia Keys vibes, and she’s a beast on the piano.

Behind the scenes… she won a Juno in 2020 for her songwriting work on Sammy Jackson’s album “With You”. During my tour, I had the privilege of writing a song with Jacq and I was blown away by her skill. I know she’s also involved with running a nonprofit music program for youth. So all in all, superb vibes, go support this artist!

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