Moscow Noir
Photo Supplied by LCPR

Moscow Noir – Five Questions With

Moscow Noir Presents “Take My Time” Music Video [A Love Letter To El Salvador]

Moscow Noir, the acclaimed Canadian electronic-indie-rock band, has unveiled their highly anticipated debut single and music video, “Take My Time.” Serving as the first glimpse into their second studio album, Loathe and Love, the release promises to captivate audiences with its unique blend of electronica, indie-rock, and introspective lyrics.

Lead singer, producer, and composer Lesther Gutierrez drew inspiration for “Take My Time” from his profound connection to El Salvador, his country of origin. The accompanying music video serves as a love letter to El Salvador, capturing its diverse landscapes, vibrant communities, and infectious energy. Through mesmerizing visuals, Moscow Noir portrays the essence of the people, dancing in the streets and sharing moments of joy as they celebrate the beauty of life in their beloved homeland once again. Gutierrez’s desire to share the essence of his homeland stems from his recent visit, during which he was struck by the country’s tranquility and sense of community.

“Take My Time” delves into the theme of disconnecting from the fast-paced nature of modern North American life. Gutierrez urges listeners to embrace a slower pace, free from the stresses and pressures of everyday hustle. The song’s introspective lyrics encourage individuals to savor the present moment and appreciate life’s simple pleasures.

“Take My Time is about reclaiming yourself, and understanding through all the noise what truly matters and nurtures you. It’s about taking your time in an exceedingly fast paced world to appreciate the beauty this world offers.” – Lesther Gutierrez, lead vocalist, Moscow Noir 

Amidst Moscow Noir’s musical exploration, the band acknowledges the socio-political landscape of El Salvador under the leadership of President Nayib Bukele. Bukele’s presidency marks a significant shift in the country’s trajectory, as he seeks to combat poverty, corruption, and gang-related violence. While Bukele’s strategies have garnered both praise and criticism, his commitment to revitalizing the nation’s economy and fostering a safer environment has captured international attention.

“The music video is a love letter to my country that has reclaimed its worth, positioned itself for prosperity and has brought new hope for its people. I wanted to convey this through their faces and the beautiful scenery of El Salvador.” – Lesther Gutierrez, lead vocalist, Moscow Noir 

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

We are Moscow Noir.

I recently reconnected with my roots a few years ago. El Salvador used to be one of the most dangerous and poor countries in Central America. allowed me to experience the beauty the country holds. Seeing the country flourish again and the crime and gang violence diminish allowed me to experience the beauty the country holds.

Take My Time” is a love letter to El Salvador. It delves into the theme of disconnecting from the fast-paced nature of modern North American life and about reclaiming yourself, and understanding through all the noise what truly matters and nurtures you.

Tell us a bit about your recent release.

The inception of the song can come in many creative forms for me. This song, believe it or not, is the very first song I wrote. I wrote this when I was 19. It was the first song I wrote from beginning to end. Just me and a guitar.

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

I wrote the melody for “Take My Time” first on the guitar and the lyrics followed an emotion I felt.

I remember walking through rush hour downtown, seeing all the suits, the rush of people, the packed subway and I didn’t get it. Fast forward many years later and the message and feeling is more prevalent than ever. More so now than before. I stumbled upon the song again a few years ago and it hit a chord just like it did when I was younger. I reworked it, changed the structure, and updated it. For me, it’s a full circle moment, that “Take My Time” would be the lead single and the song, to reconnect me to my roots.

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

Yes! We actually flew to El Salvador and shot the official music video that will drop on June 13th, along with the single. I co-directed it with my frequent directing partner Arshia Alexander. It shows a side of the country that the world hasn’t seen and I’m excited for it. We have an upcoming show in Toronto for the album release this fall. More details to come!

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

Yes! When our album “Stars” hit number 1 on the iTunes electronic album chart in 2016. It was very surreal. I’ll never forget that day, the feeling, the emotions. It opened a lot of doors for us.

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

Good question. I really like Altered By Mom. Toronto band, Check them out.

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