Warburton – Five Questions With

Warburton Releases EP, Sad Songs for Happy People

Sad Songs for Happy People is the debut EP from Toronto indie artist Warburton. The EP features five tracks that capture the band’s blend of moody and melodic indie-folk sounds,
including the singles “I Didn’t Know” and “Make It Better.”

Warburton is the alias of Australian-turned-Canadian indie artist Nathan Freeze-Mitchell. Originating in early 2022 as a solo acoustic act, Warburton embraced a full band sound in mid-2023 with new collaborators Mat McNeil, Jon Joseph, and Connor Farrell. Drawing inspiration from artists such as Wilco, The National, and Lord Huron, Warburton has a DIY work ethic, personally handling the recording, production, and release of ‘Sad Songs for Happy People.

After having single premieres and positive reviews from Honk Magazine, The Spill Magazine, and many others, Warburton is looking to keep their momentum going with the release of their debut EP. But for Warburton, being on stage is where the band shines. Their songs transform and swell with overdrive, feature killer guitar solos, and become heavier whilst
staying melodic and true to the band’s sound.

First off care to introduce yourself to our readers?

    Hey! I’m Nathan Freeze-mitchell and I make music under the name Warburton. 

    Tell us a bit about your recent release.

      Sad songs for happy people is the debut EP from Warburton. A collaboration with Toronto musicians Mat McNeil and Jon Joseph. This record started as a few solo country style demos recorded in Australia and eventually overtime changed into the more full band indie sound that ended up on the record. I think it’s me being  deeply sad and maybe a little angry about some events in my life. 

      How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

        Honestly, I really struggle to write most of the time, I write a lot and sometimes end up hating it. But I usually start by playing guitar on my couch while watching TV or something like that and sometimes I will find a chord progression I like and it all suddenly comes together. I usually record around 6 or 7 guitar tracks of the first thing that comes to my head, then a drum beat and lyrics last. 

        Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

          There is a couple of shows booked, the first being April 26 at Sneaky Dees in Toronto. There will also be some acoustic versions and video content as well as another two new tracks to follow up sometime in May.

          Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

            I think being able to write and perform in different projects on literal opposite sides of the world and have people seem to enjoy it is something I am fairly proud of. There is so many talented artists out there and if any artist can create something they love I think it’s something pretty cool. 

            Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

              So many! 

              Julie Meunier is a super talented songwriter, Alex Southey, Shangrila, Tremayne stayoutlate, Tecumseth are some pretty awesome artists in my opinion. 

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