Queeny King
Photo Supplied by Play Me Sync

Canadian Beats Passport – Queeny King – Five Questions With

Pop Anarchist Queeny King drops fierce video reclaiming herself in “She Wants To Kill Me”

From surviving nomadic cult life as a child, to mastering life on the road in pursuit of pop stardom during her teen years, Queeny King is no stranger to strange. Add to this, marrying into an iconic musical family and what you get is a surreal and esoteric existence that only someone with Queeny’s distinct pedigree can pull off.

The self-described pop anarchist has been pushing envelopes her whole life and now, on her latest single, “She Wants To Kill Me”, (SWTKM) she’s pushing up daisies. 

Inspired by personal circumstances and a calling to end a lifetime of being silenced, the vibey track and it’s companion video tackle the topic of setting boundaries and the dangers that result when those boundaries are crossed. It’s a message of self-empowerment but also serves as the ultimate cautionary tale of what can happen when one sinister force (the enigmatic “she”) takes down the heroine (Queeny) in a modern-day take of the classic Snow White. The video is laden with many religious relics reminiscent of Madonna’s “Like A Prayer”. 
Though thematically dark, it’s also a bold statement piece that’s sure to spark a conversation. Now available on all streaming platforms, give it a listen and expect new music to follow soon.

“I’m an artist and I desperately needed to reclaim my voice and my artistry. The person that I was turning into was someone I couldn’t recognize and it was ‘killing me’. I hope this song connects with people and that it helps others who are going through similar struggles, while in toxic relationships.”

First off care to introduce yourself to our readers? 

I was born Marieangela King but I go by queeny king after my late grandma.. my friends call me queeny, I’ve been called other things but let’s not talk about that right now.,.tsk tsk 

Tell us a bit about your recent release.

I wrote “She Wants To Kill Me” in October 2023, it’s everything I was feeling at the time. It’s the most honest song I’ve ever written. It’s easy to write a song that’s cool but It takes blood, guts and tears out of you to be open & vulnerable. 

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

I just need a sprinkle of inspiration & a song just download’s in my brain. I hear the melody, lyrics, the beat, all the different instrumental parts and I see them as different stems in my head, as one would in a DAW software. I’ve been like that since I was a kid. It started out by composing little jingles that me & my siblings would come up with to pester our parents. 

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

I am currently doing my own edit of my music video “She Wants To Kill Me”, Youtube has flagged it as too controversial which I take as the highest compliment… Thank you Youtube- I guess I’m more controversial than Marilyn Manson. I am now taking a stab at TikTok for the very first time. At first I rejected it. I’ve always been a private person who hates social media but as they say, it comes with the territory.

I now find it quite fun actually. I refuse to take myself seriously and as long as I’m having fun, that’s all that matters. 

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight? 

I had both deadsy and queens of the stone age open for me at San Quentin state prison. I closed the show with my 30 minute set & I got two standing ovations from the boys incarcerated there. I am in talks with orchestrating a show at Folsom prison. It’s a lot to organize. It requires special permits & scheduling for all involved is tedious. I hope to make it happen this year, it’s well worth it. This time, I am doing all the preliminary paperwork to have it filmed as A LIVE performance as well! I started singing in prisons in the former USSR for criminals & political dissidents & I found those performances to be very spiritually rewarding for all around. 

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out. 

deadsy is a band to have on your radar! Expect to be blown the f*** away!! drab majesty is another band I’ve been listening to on repeat! Grimes is my all time favorite musical guru since the last decade. Yeah Yeah Yeahs- spitting off the edge of the world is pure genius and if you wanna dive deep into my soul, check out sugar hiccup by the Cocteau twins! 

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