All Photo Credit: Daniel D'Souza

Dogstar in Toronto, ON – IN PHOTOS

Dogstar & Archer Oh
December 9, 2023
Lee’s Palace, Toronto, ON
Canadian Beats Passport

Dogstar had the sold out, at capacity, Lee’s Palace roaring the second Bret Domrose played the intro riff to “Blonde.” The crowd was treated to a showcase of their latest album, Somewhere Between the Power Lines and Palm Trees, with a couple of classic fan favorites peppered in. The eclectic mix of people in the crowd was united by the band’s sound, which felt like opening a time capsule from the 90s, with elements of The Cure mixed with some Soul Collective.

The spotlight was on Lead Singer and Guitarist Bret Domrose, rightfully so with his brooding vocals and catchy riffs with Superstar Keanu Reeves in a supporting role on bass and Robert Mailhouse holding down the drums with a tight pocket.

It’s so refreshing to hear new music that’s still focused on storytelling.

The night opened with Archer Oh, a California band that sounds like palm trees, beaches, and summer, with a little bit of ‘The Strokes’ in there. They sounded fantastic and are definitely a band to keep an eye on.

For more photos from the show, head to our Facebook page!