A brother’s fuzzed-out bass and a sister’s home-grown drumming—what more could you ask for? Not much when this Alberta-raised duo brings such a full sound to your ears. Girl Talk* comes with catchy riffs and danceable beats. The sounds are reminiscent of alternative rock/punk, and the band, Pixies.
Today, Calgary-based Girl Talk* has unveiled their album, girl talk**. In advance of the release, the band had unveiled three singles, “Run,” “Baby in a Crib,” and “Wish I Won’t,” and will also be holding their album release party (all ages) on September 30th at The Rec Room in Calgary with Wack, Rick Christian (Edmonton), and The Galacticas.
Listen to the new album below and learn more about Girl Talk* via our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
Yes, hi. We are girl talk the band. We’re siblings.
Saltee: I’m Saltee (the sister) and that’s Jack (the brother)
Jack: And we play what has been described often as punk music
We each write our own songs and co-front the band. Jack plays bass and Saltee plays drums.
Tell us a bit about your most recent release.
Let’s talk about the album. It’s an album; we recorded it—just us two together.
We recorded it in a basement, off the floor, hoping to evoke how it feels to be at our live show.
Saltee: Yeah, like, what else do you say? Its awesome
Jack: It is highly anticipated and DIY
This is our first album and, front-to-back—production all the way to finishing and mastering, was all done ourselves. Artwork, everything.
Its an 11-track album—five songs by each sibling, plus an overture.
Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?
Saltee: Life. Sad life, probably. Mine’s sad life.
Jack: Mine’s less sad life.
Jack: Yeah for me it’s just life. And every now and then I hear a sound (a weird sound from a car, the sound of something that drops on the floor) that makes me wanna try to write something.
Of course, everything we’ve ever heard is going to come through somehow at some point, and it does. But neither of us goes into writing a song with any specific artist or song in mind.
Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?
September 30, debut release party! All ages at the Rec Room in Calgary with The Galacticas, Wack, and What’s the Plan?
Saltee: And if it’s too late for you to come to that, let’s celebrate Christmas at Vern’s.
Jack: Yeah, Christmas video shoot at Vern’s.
That’s on December 23rd.
What’s your goal for the remainder of 2023 into 2024?
The goal for 2023 is being achieved with this release and wrapping up the year with these last couple of shows.
In 2024, we’ll set up a little tour, make lots of friends and have fun.
Jack: Probably write another song or two.
Saltee: Oh, I should write some songs, yeah.