Lucas Fournier

Lucas Fournier shares new single, “Echoes” (Interview)

Lucas Fournier

Lucas Fournier Follows Up “b-side” With Brand New Single, “Echoes”

Following up his previous release “b-side,” the young ethereal folk troubadour, Lucas Fournier is set to release his spacey and atmospheric new single “Echoes.” 

Inspired in part by the moral teachings of Enlightenment philosopher, David Hume, “Echoes,” is about perception; both individual and societal, and how it can sway a person’s mind into believing falsehoods about themselves.

The track’s production feels like a dream with reverse delayed guitar effects, light drumming, and Lucas’ wispy voice. 

 The song goes further, painting a fictional world where all of those perceptions the narrator comes to believe actually come true, leaving them nothing but a hollow shell.  

“The song is etched with plenty of nostalgia and regret throughout for the choices I made that led me there,” Lucas says. “The entire production is extremely atmospheric and dream-like to illustrate that this story is fiction and not real life—it’s a feeling that you can break out of.”

“Echoes” is the second single off of Lucas’ upcoming EP, This Place, scheduled for release this coming September.

Listen to “Echoes” below and learn more about Lucas via our 10-question interview.

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi! My name is Lucas Fournier, and I’m a singer-songwriter and producer originally from Toronto, currently based in Montreal. My goal with almost every song I make is to capture something indescribable – I rarely write songs about one very specific thing and instead want to convey more of an abstract feeling. My music sits somewhere around the indie folk, singer-songwriter, and indie pop genres, inspired by artists like Radiohead, Bon Iver, and Phoebe Bridgers.

You have unveiled your single, “Echoes.” Tell us a bit about the writing process behind the track.

I’m a big music theory nerd, and Echoes started as an experiment where I turned a guitar line I’d written into a crazy rhythmic puzzle. It’s in an odd time signature, and it’s full of unusual subdivisions that give the song a very uneasy pulse, almost sounding like it’s in slow motion. I developed the rest of the song around this idea, trying to capture the feeling of moving in slow motion through a dream.

The single is off of your upcoming EP, This Place, which is set for release in September, along with
your previous release, “b-side.” How did you go about choosing the singles?

Given today’s modern streaming market, everything is a single! The EP has 5 full tracks, and I’m releasing 4 of them as singles before dropping the full project. I’ve actually been going reverse-chronologically: I always want my EPs and albums to tell a story, and for This Place, I started with the last track on the EP, “b-side” back in March. “Echoes” is the second-to-last song, and so on until the story is complete and the full EP is out in the world!

Describe your sound in 5 words or less.

Lush, dream-like, subversive, unexpected, immersive.

Let’s talk social media for a minute. You’re very active on Instagram. How important is connecting with your fanbase to you?

Connecting with a fanbase through social media is my number one priority! It’s probably my favourite thing about doing music: the fact that music can bring people together in such a unique and powerful way is what keeps me going. When people reach out to me saying that my music has helped them through something, or made them feel some way they’ve never felt before, it’s the greatest feeling.

What’s your favourite thing about being a musician in Montreal?

I’m originally from Toronto, a city I really love, but the indie music scene in Montreal is a different beast. The city is built for independent musicians: so many incredible small venues all within walking distance of each other, combined with such an active nightlife is the perfect setting for musicians to thrive.

Do you have any upcoming shows to tell us about?

Currently, nothing I’m able to announce, but I am working on queuing up full-band shows in September onwards.

What’s your go-to cover song?

Recently it’s been Scott Street by Phoebe Bridgers. It’s so simple but so expressive, and pretty widely loved, which always makes it fun to perform at gigs and open mics.

Who was the first Canadian artist to catch your attention growing up?

I’ve been a huge fan of Metric ever since I was a kid. Although they’re not really my genre, their unique production and unforgettable melodies have totally stuck with me to this day, and they’re a massive inspiration to me.

What’s up next for you for the remainder of 2023?

I’m going to keep releasing tracks from this upcoming EP, and I even have the following few planned out after that! On top of my own music, I’ve also started producing for other artists, which has been a really amazing experience. Many of those releases will be coming out this year as well!

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