Jason Andrew Griffith

Jason Andrew Griffith – “Four O’clock Show” (Single Review) + Five Questions With

Jason Andrew Griffith

Jason Andrew Griffith Shares Music Video For His Debut Single, “Four O’Clock Show”

Calgary, AB-based singer-songwriter Jason Andrew Griffith unveiled his debut single, “Four O’clock Show” on April 12, 2023. The track was inspired by the time he spent with his little sister as a young teenager.

The song is a nostalgic look back at how quickly childhood passes us by and reflects on the sense of loss that can come with the realization that you can never go back.


The opening lyrics set the tone for this nostalgic track, “Tell me how we’d end up here so fast, I’m still living in the past and I know I gotta wake up but I wanna make it last, Walking you home on those winter days, you always had so much to say, about everything you did that day, then you were ready to go.” The lyrics seem to capture the bittersweet feeling of looking back on a cherished memory, and the ease of simpler times, while also recognizing the inevitability of change and the passing of time.

Jason’s vocals throughout the song possess a storytelling quality that is common with alt-country while delivering heartfelt and reflective lyrics in a way that feels authentic and sincere.

Overall, “Four O’Clock Show” is a poignant and introspective track that effectively captures the sense of loss that can come with the realization that childhood is fleeting and can never be recaptured.

Watch the video for “Four O’clock Show” below and learn more about Jason Andrew Griffith via our Five Questions With segment.

Care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Yes! I am a singer-songwriter based in Calgary, Alberta. I play country (well, alt-country really) that is influenced by a lot of different genres like folk, roots, blues, soul, rhythm & blues, and rock. I have been writing and playing music solo or with bands for almost 30 years. I took a long break from music when I had kids, but in 2022 I got back on the horse and I’ve been writing new songs, building my community, and recording and releasing music. It has been incredibly fulfilling to get back into music and my kids have been so inspired that they have decided to become pop stars when they grow up!

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

Four O’clock Show is my first-ever single, released on April 12th, 2023. I started writing it over ten years ago, inspired by memories of me and my little sister when she was a kid and I was an awkward teenager. I used to walk her home from daycare every day and look after her until our mother got home. We were very close and it is a special memory for me. But there is always a little sadness when I look back because I never get to see that little kid again. Childhood is so short and it often disappears before you realize it. It makes me grateful for every day that I spend time with my kids now.

Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?

I have gotten a lot of inspiration from my family over the years, family is very important to me. I also tend to write a lot of songs about connection, and the struggles of finding your way in the world. I think connection is a big part of what draws me to write and play music in the first place. Creating music and other art is a very vulnerable way of reaching out into the world and asking for someone to reach back. It is incredibly gratifying when that connection is made.

Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?

I am very excited to be playing at The King Eddy on Sunday, May 28th! I will be joining Carter Felker, who hosts a weekly Songsmith Sunday where various artists swap songs and stories. There is no cover, and reservations are available on The King Eddy website. 

What’s your goal for 2023?

My goal is to play more shows in the Calgary area, including a showcase for myself with a full band. I am also planning on recording and releasing a couple more singles.

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