THE 12th MAN Shares New Single/Music Video “End of the World”
THE 12th MAN‘s songs are unapologetic, often brutally honest, and take the listener on a journey through a shifting soundscape of musical patterns and dynamic form.
The aptly-titled and cathartic single, “End of the World,” is about being betrayed by the last person you would expect betrayal to come from. It’s an open account of how being wronged can feel, carrying the heaviness of the situation.
The music video takes you into the mind of the singer-songwriter, Jason Woodhams, accessing the nightmare that would play through his head night after night.
Watch the video for “End Of The World” below and learn more about THE 12th MAN via our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
I am a British-born singer-songwriter that has been living in Toronto for the last twenty-five years. I have played in many bands over the years, though I took a long hiatus from writing and playing when children started to arrive. Bills needed to be paid, bottles needed to be filled, you know how it goes… I now find myself in the rather enviable position of seemingly still being able to write material that I can connect with, and that motivates me. Three years ago, I re-connected with Paul, a guitarist I played with way back, and The 12th Man was formed.
Tell us about your most recent release.
End of the World is a rather dark song about being wronged by the last person on earth that you would ever expect it from. Lyrically the song takes the listener through the various stages of grief: Denial, anger, depression, and finally, acceptance. Like most of THE 12th MAN songs, the bass guitar drives the song, with the guitar and the drums pulling the listener through peaks and valleys, finally building up to the big crescendo at the end of the song. We are ‘only’ a three-piece band (bass, guitar, and drums) but sound as big when we play live as the recording itself.
Where do you pull inspiration from when writing?
I have always been more attracted to writing about honest portrayals of people. Life is often not the pretty picture that the media tries to portray and that most of us incorrectly aspire to live. The people I sing about, be they friends, people I don’t know, or myself, are represented as the contorted, fleshy, fragile, and frail emotionally open masses that we all are. It’s fun to explore and reveal, in all its complexity, what is behind the human condition. We shouldn’t be afraid.
Do you have any upcoming shows you want to tell us about?
YES! Other than being the main supporting act of Oasis’ reunion world tour, we have a couple of shows planned in the not yet recognized musical capital of Greater Toronto, Uxbridge, Ontario! On May 26th, we are playing at Woodpile, and on June 10th will be hitting the stage at the Springtime Music Festival. We are also looking at doing some other dates in the venerable Toronto music spots in the Summer.
What are your goals for 2023?
Our goals are pretty simple. To get out and play and to spread the word of THE 12th MAN. This album and the songs from it are an introduction. We just want to be listened to, liked, and loved! Is that really too much to ask?! We ask that anyone who likes anything that we do to go connect with us on social media and subscribe to our website: the12man.ca, and we, in turn, will keep everyone up-to-date and sonically satisfied! We won’t let them down.