Brava Kilo

Brava Kilo & Annie Sumi release “Stone Between The Lips” + 5Q’s ZOOM Interview

Brava Kilo

Kintsugi collaborators Brava Kilo and Annie Sumi have a new song to release from their upcoming EP, which accompanies their installation, which can currently be experienced at Toronto’s Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre.

The lilting and curious acoustic/experimental number “Stone Between The Lips” was written to comfort the songwriters as they confronted the things that they could not say.

“Stone Between The Lips” communicates the “desire to speak freely with our Ancestors about their experiences of immigration and internment, and the lives they were able to create,” explain Kilo and Sumi.

Shadow puppeteers, Mind of a Snail, created the song’s music video, which features hands embracing a child and mirroring the song’s softness.

Watch the video for “Stone Between the Lips” and learn more about the project via our 5Q’s ZOOM interview below.

Connect with Annie Sumi:

Connect with Brava Kilo: