All Photo Credit: Marcus Arar

Anti-fest in Toronto, ON – IN PHOTOS

All Photo Credit: Marcus Arar

Anti-flag, Cancer Bats, Dilly Dally, Dead Tired & Indian Giver
December 10, 2022
Danforth Music Hall, Toronto, ON
Canadian Beats Passport

Pennsylvania Punk-Rock legends Anti-flag came to Toronto on December 10th, 2022, to rock the Danforth Music Hall. Under the name of Anti-Fest, this spectacular concert had a plethora of Canadian punk and hardcore bands as support. Opening acts included: Cancer Bats, Dilly Dally, Dead Tired, and Indian Giver. We, unfortunately, missed out on photographing Dead Tired and Indian Giver, but we’re sure they completely brought down the house!

This show was an awesome showcase of the diversity within the Canadian punk/hardcore scene, with the only American group being Anti-Flag. The crowd went wild throughout the entire night. Every band packed a high-energy, visceral set that was sure to satisfy punk fans from all walks of life. Truly, an unforgettable experience.

Dilly Dally

Anti-flag 1

Anti-flag 2

Anti-flag 3

Anti-flag 4

Cancer Bats

Anti-flag 6

Anti-flag 5

Anti-flag 7

Anti-flag 8


Anti-flag 10

Anti-flag 9

Anti-flag 12

Anti-flag 11

For more photos from the show, head to our Facebook page!