
Saugasson – Five Questions With


Saugasson shares his new single, “INF Extended”

“INF Extended” is a lead single from Saugasson‘s epic 18-track album, S.O.S!

Along with his sister Angel Jones, who goes by the artist name ShuGgz, Saugasson created “INF Extended,” a positive hip-hop affirmation about never giving up on his dreams. INF stands for “I Never Fail,” a motto Saugasson, whose real name is Solomon Jones, lives his life by.

The track is short but hypnotic with its looped guitar line, light drum machine, and heavy bass. Saugasson’s rhymes are at the forefront here, running through pop culture references and lyrics about writing music all day.

INF Extended also comes, in true rap fashion, with a shining music video that features Saugasson and ShuGgz parading around places in Mississauga.

I Never Fail rings true, as Saugasson chants, “Never fail, I’m gonna make it.”

And after listening to the track, you feel that nothing can stop him.

Listen to “INF Extended” below and learn more about Saugasson via our Five Questions With segment.

Care to introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Saugasson. I was born and raised in Mississauga, Canada. My brand is INF, “I Never Fail,” as well as the name of my company. My family takes priority in my life, followed by music and making money.

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

My most recent release is actually long overdue, I love the project & I had fun making it. This was just a little showcase of what I do musically and was an inspirational project in the process for my peers and me.

Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?

I tend to pull inspiration from any and everything. Every experience and any person I may cross paths with are potential lyrics for a song.

Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?

My next upcoming show after November 25th would be in 2023, whilst I’m planning a tour with my team.

What’s your goal for the remainder of 2022 and into 2023?

My goals for the remainder of 2022 are to finish up my last show, as well as my next project, and my project before the project, lol. I’ll be dropping a couple of visuals before the year ends as well, and then in 2023, the plan is to do a little tour with my INF team & my homies from Coop145.

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