Toronto’s electronic/pop artist, KYLO recently released a new track, “Solace” along with a moody, haunting video for the release. The single features a driving rhythm steeped in synth and reverb amidst echoey layers. The single is from her new EP, Exit which is available here.
Check out the video below, and find out more about KYLO in our Five Questions With segment.
Care to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hi hi hi, KYLO here!
Tell us a bit about your music and writing style.
My music has evolved a bit over the years, but essentially I do electronic/indie/pop type stuff. My older stuff used to be a bit more structured/poppy, but with the new content, I’ve been trying to get a more raw, organic type sound and be a bit more experimental with my writing style. I write in two different types of ways usually; a producer will send me a beat and I’ll write a melody over the top it or I’ll record vocal loops in Ableton and write a melody over that then bring it to a producer to develop. I used to write songs on guitar and have producers build on top of that but haven’t been doing that as much lately.
Do you have any upcoming shows? For someone who has yet to see you live, how would you explain your live performance?
No live shows coming at the moment but will be playing one end of Nov/beg of Dec so keep posted via my socials!
My live sets usually include some trippy visuals, playing vocal chops and samples of an apc 40, and singing all my tracks live.
If you were asked to suggest only one of your songs for someone to hear, which would it be?
Ouuuu, that’s a hard one! Ummm I feel like I would probably say “Solace” seeing as it’s my newest track that I just recently dropped. But “Fatal” is also one of my original favs!
Canadian Beats is all about Canadian music, so who are your current favourite Canadian bands/ artists?
There are so many amazing Canadian artists these days, if I had to pick one I’d say Grimes…she’s always been a huge inspiration for me and is still killing it.