Supermodel Taxidermy
Photo Supplied by Asher Media Relations

Supermodel Taxidermy – Five Questions With


Unleashing a combo of thrash metal and hardcore punk, Canada’s Supermodel Taxidermy has been delivering unrelenting mosh pit madness since they made their debut in 2022 with the EP A Whorer Story. Now, they’ve unveiled their first full-length album entitled At What Cost, the triad of high-speed debauchery is revealing their party anthem “Exorcist For Beer”, a story about finding an exorcist on the dark web who makes all your problems much worse than just booze alone. Musically, this track is like getting into the ring with Mike Tyson, the intensity keeps coming.

At What Cost was made to catch your ears with its intense guitar hooks, heavy drums, and catchy bass lines all the while keeping your attention on the lyrical topics at hand. A collaborative effort, the majority of this album looks at death lyrically. A lot of the writings question the cause and effect of vices and the wrong choices that can be made throughout our lives.

“If we have sold this to your ears correctly the album will be nothing shy of D.R.I’s Full Speed Ahead vs Iron Reagan’s Crossover Ministry with a touch of Slayer,” adds vocalist and guitarist Shawn Maynard.

First off care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Absolutely! My name is Shawn and I’m the guy in front of the microphone with the guitar at the Supermodel Taxidermy shows.

Tell us a bit about your recent release.

We have a 10-song L.P. called ‘At What Cost’ coming out May 31st on Punishment18 Records.

This is our second album, the cover art for it was done by Andrei Bouzikov (Municipal Waste/Toxic Holocaust/Belushi speedball/Tymo/Hazzerd.) With this record we have evolved from a punk band with metal elements into a metal band that hasn’t forgotten our punk rock roots. It’s fast, it’s heavy, It’s a crossover record for fans hardcore skate punk and slayer. If you are into either metal or punk, I promise there are songs on this album you will like.

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

I usually record my audio when I’m home messing around with my guitar, I’ll relisten to it later and see if I created anything worthy of revisiting. About 80% of my music is written that way. The lyrics usually get added at the end.

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

We released two music videos for songs on this album (Lipstick & Blood Painted Dash) with one more to come. Check out Supermodel Taxidermy on YouTube to watch them.

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

When I released the first EP, the band wasn’t even formed yet. It was a solo project with some things I needed the world to hear the turning point would be when I put the ad out and recruited the other guys once, the rest is history.

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

They’re called VOLT – those boys are based out of Fort McMurray, Alberta and they mean business.

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