Dylan Perkons

Dylan Perkons – Five Questions With

Vancouver-based indie-folk artist Dylan Perkons has unveiled his single & video, “Good News.”

Written just a few months into the pandemic, Perkons found the initial spark for the track from a writing prompt he received while participating in an online songwriting workshop. Contemplating the uncertain future ahead, like everyone else, “Good News” is a song inspired by hope.

Perkons shares,

The song itself serves as a loose reflection on hope and a conversation with someone older, perhaps a parent figure or mentor. Hope is undeniably a fundamental aspect of our lives, residing at the core of our determination to persevere. Even in our darkest moments, the people who care about us always encourage us to believe that things will improve, somehow.

But hope isn’t something that can be taught; it’s something you must experience firsthand. You must find yourself in a seemingly insurmountable darkness and somehow discover love on the other side. So, this song conveys a sense of hearing those comforting words—’everything’s going to be all right’—but struggling to believe them. Carrying on nonetheless, hoping you discover they were right all along.”

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Dylan Perkons and I’m a Canadian artist and songwriter.  I’ve spent the last decade or so living and playing music in Victoria, BC, but I recently relocated to Vancouver last year for school.  My first solo record came out in 2019 and after much delay, I have just released a new single called “Good News.”

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

My new single, “Good News” was by far the longest I’ve ever spent on one piece.  I started writing it a few years back in a songwriting workshop I took with the artist Buck Meek (School of Song).  The song took many shapes and forms over the last few years but I love where it ended up.  The main recording was done between two sessions in 2022.  The first session took place in Ontario with Jonas Bonneta, at his studio, Port William Sound.  We did all the bed tracks for the song there and my pal Michael Duguay joined us to play on the session as well.  I moved to Vancouver later that year, and that’s when I connected with David Vertesi.  He played a huge role in taking the song to its final form.  We did all the vocals and a  bunch of keys/synths at his place in Vancouver.  

Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?

Nothing I can talk about quite yet but some tour plans are starting to come together for 2024 that I’m very excited about.

If given the chance, which Canadian artist would you love to work with in the future?

Collaboration is such a huge part of music for me; I’m such a big fan of other people’s work, whether that be friends or artists I look up to, I’m constantly in complete awe of other artists and producers.  I’d love to make something with Elizabeth Powell from Land of Talk.  They have such a unique approach to melody and playing the guitar.  I find everything about their work incredibly inspiring.

What’s your goal for 2024?

Right now my goals are finishing school and hopefully releasing more of the new music I’ve been working on the last few years.  I’m hoping to tour some places next year that I haven’t played yet and some other fun musical projects are shaping up for 2024 so keep your eyes peeled.

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