Philip MacQueen

Philip MacQueen – “Know By Now” (Single Review + Interview)

Phillip MacQueen

“A soul-stirring, reflection of one’s life searching for love and harmony”

Vancouver, BC-based singer-songwriter Philip MacQueen has unveiled his latest single, “Know By Now.”

“Know By Now” is an intimate and introspective composition that reflects the artist’s personal experiences and innermost thoughts about the universal theme of love. With telling lyrics and a captivating melody, the song captures the essence of a genuine quest for love and the underlying vulnerability that accompanies such a pursuit.

Drawing inspiration from Vancouver’s vibrant music scene and the city’s rich cultural influence, the artist weaves together a musical tapestry that blends elements of folk, pop, and alternative rock. The result is a unique sound that is both familiar and fresh, allowing listeners to immerse themselves in the artist’s captivating narrative.


“Know By Now” follows Philip’s previous single, “Should’ve Known,” and marks the second single released from his upcoming EP.

Philip immediately puts forth his commanding yet heartfelt vocals. The lyrics throughout the track convey a longing for answers and clarity, underscoring the frustration of waiting.

The simplicity and repetition in the chorus make the song memorable and enhance its impact. The repeated phrase “I wanted to know by now, I think we should know by now” echoes an increasing restlessness and a strong desire for clear answers.

Towards the end of the song, there is a shift in attitude. The speaker boldly asserts their unwillingness to wait indefinitely, demonstrating a newfound sense of self-value and a firm demand for closure.

Overall, “Know By Now” is a captivating and introspective song that resonates deeply and lingers in the mind even after the final notes fade away.

Listen to “Know By Now” below and learn more about Philip via our mini-interview.

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Philip MacQueen. Im an indie/rock musician playing out of Vancouver BC. I’ve been a songwriter for the last 5 years and a guitar player for 15. I’m here to light people up with my presence and music. And try to make a few cool friends along the way.

You have unveiled your new single, “Know By Now.” Tell us a bit about the creative process behind the release.

The creation of “Know By Now” started about a year ago. I was exploring different guitar tunings and this song shares a similar tuning style as one of my favorite City and Color songs. The bright guitar sound it produced was the inspiration. Then came the melody and an idea about a girl.

If you had to describe the basis around “Know By Now” in 5 words or less, what would you say?

Impatiently searching for the one.

What’s your favourite thing about being a musician in Vancouver?

My favorite thing about Vancouver is the access to all the great studios, producers, and other musicians around town. It’s such an excellent place to discover new music and get inspired by others.

Do you have any upcoming shows to tell us about?

I will be playing all around downtown over the summer. And will be posting all the dates on my IG once confirmed!

What’s up next for 2023?

Up next for 2023, I have 3 more singles to debut which will complete my newest EP “Distant Memories” set to release by the end of the year.

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